Depression And Consequences In The Novel Speak By Laurie Anderson

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The Novel “Speak” by Laurie Anderson is about depression and stop keeping things to yourself. The book gives several situations and consequences to the character Melinda and what happens while she keeps it to herself not talking to anyone. For that Melinda deals with a huge surprise at a summer party before freshman year. A guy named Andy Evans rapes Melinda, while Andy makes his escape Melinda calls the police and Melinda goes off mysteriously, when the police arrived her friends and everyone else at the party were either caught with illegal stuff and forbidden items instead of what really was the reason the police were there. Some friends and relatives of her friends were arrested. Now she keeps this big secret from everyone through her whole …show more content…

“I’m an Outcast” Melinda says. As the problems and desires associated with it. Even though Melinda's unusually upsetting experiences, almost every reader can connect to the world she lives in. Melinda lists the groups that the ninth grade class has broken into: "Jocks, Country Clubbers, Idiot Savants, Cheerleaders, Human Waste, Eurotrash, Future Fascists of America, Big Hair Chix, the Marthas, Suffering Artists, Thespians, Goths, Shredders, similar high school groups we’ve seen before. Many readers will also understand Melinda's feeling of social isolation. Her opinions to certain classes during school, such as gym class "Gym class should be illegal. It is humiliating" Melinda says. And lunch "Nothing good ever happens at lunch. The cafeteria is a giant sound stage where they film daily segments of Teenage Humiliation Rituals. And it smells gross". Furthermore, Melinda goes through a typical experience to authority figures and rejects them by giving them funny nicknames. Additionally Melinda gossips about her life and everyone impacting her throughout the novel. And she brings you to her mind giving everything she thinks about to let the reader

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