Dental Implants Persuasive Speech

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Only people who have missing teeth fully understand what it is like to have a smile that doesn't contain the number of teeth it was meant to have. The cost of dental implants is well worth what you gain by having your smile made whole again.

You may have wondered what options are available for you to replace that toothless grin with a smile extraordinaire.

How you can fill in that toothless grin

Filling in the gaps left by missing teeth may be easier than you think. The process for replacing one or more of your natural teeth is called dental implants. The treatment is done by your dentist inserting a titanium post for each tooth that is missing. The post is designed specifically to take the place of a tooth root. The post is positioned surgically beneath the gum line and …show more content…

Eat what you want

Natural face shape

Protect your bones

Strong and stable

Eating some of the foods you love can be difficult when you are missing one or more of your natural teeth. Depending on which teeth are missing, biting and chew certain foods can cause your diet to suffer. When you have implants, you will be able to eat just as if they were your own original teeth. You will be able to bite down on a crunchy apple or buttery corn on the cob and enjoy chewing a good steak again.

Missing teeth can cause your face to sag or appear sunken. Gaps in your mouth can even give you a sad appearance. When implants are placed, your face regains its natural shape and fullness and will make you look as cheery as you feel.

It is important to keep the bones in your jaw healthy. When one or more teeth are lost it leaves empty spaces which can lead to deterioration of the jawbone. If your jawbone doesn't have teeth to support, it may become weak and lose its firmness. This oftentimes leads to permanent bone loss and additional health

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