Benefits Of Dental Implants

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Dental implants are a fine solution for replacing missing teeth, but also the most expensive one. Dental implants are better because they don’t rest on your gums like removable dentures or use adjacent teeth for anchors like fixed bridges. Dental implants will be placed by your oral and maxillofacial surgeon and are surgically placed in your jawbone. Dental implants are the newest thing out to get that smile that you want when your teeth have been lost to many different types of injury or disease.
According to”Statisties show that 69% of adults ages 35 to 44 have lost at least one permanent tooth to an accident, gum disease, a failed root canal or tooth decay. Furthermore, by age 74, 26% of adults have lost all of their permanent teeth”. Years ago fixed bridges and dentures would be these peoples only choice to have teeth to speak, eat, and clearly smile. Dentures and fixed bridges can slip or cause clicking sounds while the person is eating or speaking causing embarrasemt to the person. Implants are a great fit and picked by you not like dentures they cause bone los...

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