Restorative Dentistry Case Study

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Lodi, CA Restorative Dentistry | Gary Silva, DDS
Dr. Gary Silva and his team are highly trained and experienced in providing restorations for all sorts of dental issues. We offer complete and partial dentures, tooth-colored fillings, crowns, bridges, and more. Dr. Silva’s unique background gave him real restorative experience early in his career. For more than 20 years, Dr. Silva has been offering patients the chance to gain a beautiful, functional smile with his restorative dentistry.
Complete And Partial Dentures
Our team offers removable dentures to patients needing to replace some or all of their natural teeth. Our dentures are custom-designed for a secure fit. We offer both complete denture and partial denture options to meet your specific …show more content…

To reach us, call 209-200-8850 or use our online form to send us a message. We will be happy to assist you in choosing a date and time for your appointment. Let us help you take the first step toward achieving a healthier, better-functioning smile today.

(Full-Mouth Reconstruction)
Lodi, CA Full-Mouth Reconstruction Services
Are you living with a decayed, worn-out smile that is hindering your ability to live life the way you want to? We can help. Dr. Gary Silva and his team are experienced in treating full-mouth cases like yours and helping patients get back to living their lives. If you are wondering what a full-mouth reconstruction consists of, read on to better understand what the process might entail.
Step One: Scheduling Your Appointment
The very first step in the full-mouth reconstruction process is to schedule your appointment. Before we can begin treatment, we need to examine your mouth to determine what work is necessary. We can only do that in our office with specialized tools and equipment.
A member of our staff will be happy to help you schedule a date and time that is right for you. We love helping patients achieve the smiles they deserve. Scheduling your consultation means making the first move toward a healthy, more beautiful smile.
Step Two: Having Your …show more content…

This type of sedation should be used for patients who are fearful or very anxious about a procedure. It can also be used during longer or more complicated procedures in order to help the patient feel at ease. Oral sedation is administered via a pill or tablet and creates a sort of grogginess. You will need to have a friend or family member drive you to and from our office if you elect to use oral sedation. You will be conscious throughout the procedure, though you will feel very relaxed. If you are undergoing a complicated procedure or are afraid of the dentist, this type of sedation may be for

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