Demographic Profile: France

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Ben Cooke
March 4th 2015
SOCY 410-001
Dr. Deanna Gore

Demographic Profile: France 1985 and 2012
Introduction Mortality in France is fairly typical of a developed nation. It has a fully developed water treatment and sanitation system as well as access to modern medicines and medical equipment. Its citizens enjoy access to universal education and healthcare as well. Mortality rates in France have fallen so low that death before the 60-64 age category is uncommon and death during childhood is increasingly rare. The deaths that do occur are so few compared to the population that they have little to no effect on how life expectancy is calculated. (Barbier, Magali, Depledge 2013). The driving factors of mortality in this instance are …show more content…

The crude death rate was 10.3 deaths per 1000 individuals. As shown in Figure 1, age specific death rates start low at about 2 deaths per 1000 individuals in the 0-4 age category. Age specific death rates then fall below 1 death per 1000 individuals until the 20-24 age category. Age specific death rates increase at a slow but steady pace until the 55-59 age category where the age specific death rate reaches 14 deaths per 1000 individuals. From the 55-59 age category onwards age specific death rate increases rapidly, almost doubling every ten years. The age specific death rate for the final age category of 85 and above is 243 deaths per 1000 individuals. (United Nations 1987, …show more content…

The issue is the level of access citizens, immigrants, and refugees have to these resources. Socioeconomic status and immigration status affects the level of access a citizen receives in addition to their knowledge of resources available to them. (Boulogne, Jougla, Breem, Kunst, Rey 2012). Individuals with low socioeconomic status are also more likely to lead unhealthy lifestyles, shortening their lifespans. (Windenberger, Rican, Jougla, Rey 2011). Immigration or refugee status limits access to the universal healthcare and education systems. (Fassin 2005). Poorer areas such as northern France and Brittany tend to have higher mortality than more affluent areas and southern France. Areas with high numbers of immigrants, such as the Siene-St-Denis department outside of Paris, also tend to have higher mortality rates. For the population as a whole, the main causes of mortality tended to be heart disease, non-communicable diseases, and cancers. (Barbier, Magali, Depledge

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