Democracy, Dictatorship, And Theocracy

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Different sets of rules, which we call today government, have developed throughout history. Government is the means by which state rules are enforced and policy of the state have to be followed. Government is important to citizens because government sets certain laws that citizens have to follow and if the laws are not followed or broken, there will be consequences for your actions. While democracy, dictatorship, and theocracy share some similarities, they also have many differences.
First, the word “democracy” comes from two Greek words: “demos” meaning “people” and “cracy” which means “the rule of” (Lansford… Democracy 9). There are two types of democracy and both started during ancient times. One type is direct democracy while the other type is representative democracy. Direct democracy is a form of democracy in which people decide policy initiatives directly (“Advantages”). The earliest direct democracy is said to be the Athenian democracy that started in the 5th century B.C. The main bodies in the Athenian democracy were male citizens because it was not all inclusive since women, foreigners and slaves were excluded from it (Lansford… Democracy 23). In contrast, representative democracy differs from direct democracy because it is founded on the principle of elected officials representing a group of people (“Advantages”). The Roman Republic was the first government in the Western world to have a representative democracy. It is this model of governance that has inspired many political thinkers over centuries, and today’s modern democracies imitate the Roman more than the Greek democracy (Lansford… Democracy 14). This shows that there is not just one type of democracy, each one is for the people even if the way they agree on...

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...ll about control and if dictators do not have control, they will use violence to receive control.
The biggest disadvantage of a theocracy government is that in a theocratic state a person with a different religion from the dominant one may be persecuted or even killed. According to Ehow, “the laws are not based on logic or fairness, but on the words of ancient books, and they are not debatable and cannot be easily changed” (“Advantages”). This differ from democracy because in a democratic government the citizens has the freedom of religion which mean the citizens can practice any religion they choose.
In conclusion, there are many types of government, such as democracy, dictatorship, and theocracy. Each government have few similarities and many differences, but even though each set of government has its up and downs, each government still get used up to this day.

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