Defoe's Providence

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Is science really limitless? If not, what are the ‘boundaries’ man cannot overstep? Who sets those boundaries? God? Or man himself? Charles E. Rosenberg, author of “Framing Disease: Illness, Society, and History,” states that,
There has never been a time that men and women have not suffered from sickness, and the physician’s specialized social role has developed in response to it. Even when the assume the guise of priests or shamans, doctors are by definition individuals presumed to have special knowledge or skills that enable them to treat men and women experiencing pain or incapacity, who cannot work and fulfill family or other social obligations. (Rosenberg 1) Are these physicians bound to their human limitations, or do their “special …show more content…

He asserts that God is the supreme power, and that He imposes the limitations on humanity, so we must look to Him for guidance in our times of need. Trust in God’s Providence is what DeFoe believes will lead humanity to salvation. Trying to escape His Providence will bring consequences to humanity. Ultimately, H.F leaves his safety up to God, which acknowledges his human limitations. He knows he cannot save himself. This assertion is further investigated in another passage, when H. F lament the worship of false prophets, like astrologists and psychics. DeFoe includes,
These things serve to shew, how far the People were really overcome with Delusions; and as they had a Notion of the Approach of a Visitation, all their Predictions run upon a most dreadful Plague, which should lay the whole City, and even the Kingdom waste; and should destroy almost all the Nation, both man and beast. (DeFoe 25) H.F’s disgust by the decision to turn to astrology and fortune telling rather than God is clearly evident. The two passages above demonstrate the internal struggle many faced to come to terms with their human limitations. They turned to false prophets such as astrology and psychics in an attempt to overstep their human limitations. DeFoe asserts his disgust at their worshipping of false idols, because God is the only supreme

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