Definition Of Growing Up Essay

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Michael Wells Mrs. Wheeler Honors Communication Arts- Period 6 18 February, 2014 Growing Up Growing up. The definition of growing up is to grow toward or arrive at full stature or physical or mental maturity. This definition was defined according to Growing up can be classified in many different categories such as in a physically, mentally, and/or in a emotionally way. Growing up can affect a lot of people. Not only just teenagers and adults but toddlers, children and even old people. Growing up is not just wedged in between a time in your life, it can happen whenever. In the novel Bless Me Ultima, Antonio was experiencing his phase of growing up as the book progressed and came to an end. Either if it was him maturing as a man mentally, or him maturing as a man physically by either getting taller and/or getting bigger by gaining weight. As I mentioned before, as you begin to grow up you can go through it in many different ways and/or experiences. But as you grow up, you may grow up, physically. In Antonio’s case since he’s a boy, he goes through other different physical changes than girls obviously. When you grow up physically, your voice may get deeper, you may get taller and even more muscular. Also, you may start getting hair in different places such as your face, arms, and/or legs and lastly, you may experience getting heavier (gaining weight or muscle). This part of growing up does not apply to Antonio because he was only just six years old in the beginning of the book and I don’t think boys hit puberty at such a young age especially at six years old. Antonio didn’t, sadly, get to go through the physical part of growing up but he will soon. Antonio did get grow up in the mental part of growing up. Grow... ... middle of paper ... ...vantage but making him thrive to be the person not only does he desire to be, but the person Ultima would proud of. In conclusion, I stated all the different aspects of growing up. Not only is growing up is weird and different but growing up is hard. Growing up will put you into certain type of situations where you would not love to be put into. Antonio could relate to this so much. Antonio witnessed so much death in the book for a 6 year old. What sucks the most is that he had to go through it at such a young age. It’s not easy to go through stuff like that and the fact that he was so young but he got through it made me proud of Antonio. I don’t like growing up and I’m 16 so it’s strange to see Antonio growing up physically, mentally, and emotionally at such a very, very young age but he’ll get through it and when he does, he’ll be proud of himself. I know I would.

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