Definition Essay: What Is Love At First Sight?

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What is love? Everybody who gets asked this question has a different response. Asking a six-year-old girl this question would surely end with a different response than if you asked an old man. There are so many ways to define love, and this has to do with the fact that we can love in different ways. It is one thing to love a spouse, but it is completely different to love a sibling. There is even a slight difference between loving a boyfriend or girlfriend and loving a spouse. The difference is of course small, but it is still there. The fact of the matter is that all love is different. We could develop some sort of love for somebody that we have not even met! However, this is mostly a teenage girl “falling in love” with her favorite member …show more content…

Many people think it is not possible, while others say that it is very real. However, love is one of the first emotions we feel. We know this because when we are very young, we realize that we love our parents. We remember this from when we are little all the way until we are elderly. This could be considered a love at first sight (or first memory) situation. What does love at first sight do? Well, love at first sight is what draws us into somebody else’s life. We might not realize right away that we love this person, but the emotion is there. Typically when we experience love at first sight, we know that we like this person more than some other people. This does not mean that we love them in the same way we would love a significant other or a family member, however. This goes back to the fact that there are multiple different types of love. The love that we have for this person then continues to grow and change until it becomes obvious to us. This does not mean that we can never feel the love and know it is there automatically, but this is more of a fantasy that we read about in books. That type of love sometimes happens more with a parent seeing their newborn child for the first time or something along those lines, not falling in love with a man or woman during your first encounter with him or her. This can seem somewhat disappointing because we see love at first sight enhanced in movies and television shows, and that is just not how it is in real life. Basically, we just feel a strong attraction to somebody that we have just met or even just seen walking down the street

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