Definition Essay On Success

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Success. Whether it will last or not, everyone has a dream to be success. In my personal thought, all of us deserves to be success after so much efforts we had put on something. However, success should not be measured by how wealth someone is. Even the poverty-stricken people also can achieve their own success. Guess what? Everyone has their own definition of success so we, who does not even in their places should not judge and determine their level of success because only them know whether they already achieve their target or not. Too many people measure how successful they are by how much money they make or the people that they associate with. But in my opinion, true success should be measured by how happy you are. If you are …show more content…

Money rarely leads to success. This is not some rhetorical sleight of hand; it’s real-world logic and the causality is critical. Let me explain how this works. Whatever your definition of success, if you’re true to yourself and achieve your goals, not only will you feel fulfilled, but you’ll also find plenty of money when you arrive at your destination. That’s just the way it works. No kidding. But if wealth is your definition of success, you will likely never achieve it. As goals go, wealth is a pretty lousy target. It’s superficial. It’s not fulfilling. And there never seems to be enough of it. The more you have, the more you want. The more you spend, the more you …show more content…

Whatever future you desire, methods you want to follow or wherever you see yourself going, you know that you will have someone who believes in you, trust you, and wants to see you succeed. This is an important feeling and this emotion can catapult your life to a higher level. This is also why you need to find love in your life and in everything that you do. Again, both love and money are important because they are different things that will make your life worth living. Learn to love and be loved so that you can turn the inspiration into energy that drives you to success. At the same time, learn to use money as a tool to achieve your dreams and enrich your

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