Definition Essay On Confidence

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A very obvious and crucial yet overlooked attribute of the leaders and movers and shakers of the entrepreneurial world is unbreakable confidence.'s definition of confidence is: A belief or conviction that an outcome will be favorable. Even in the face of uncertainty, a confident businessman or woman believes that the chips will still fall in their favor.

Success is the mother of self-confidence. Confidence is built from consistent strides forward. Each and every positive outcome becomes a testament to your capabilities. A loss, on the other hand, can take the wind out of your sails. Road block after road block can drain the confidence out of people. It happens. We're all human here. But what separates you from your peers …show more content…

Some even feed on the current state of being a business owner. Knowing that they are taking the road less traveled, and escaping the rat race charges them up. Another creator of confidence that most businessmen and women are aware of is planning and awareness of the situation that confidence is necessary for. For example: Which situation would you be more confident in succeeding in?

You greet and sit down with 2 investors and you are discussing your business operations, earnings and future projections


You greet both investors individually and hand out booklets containing the figures, operations and projections that you plan to discuss. During your presentation, you identify the mission and past ventures of the investors' company and explain how your business fits into their current portfolio.

If you take time to determine what your potential investors are looking for, then you'll know what they are more likely to respond to.

The more planning you do and the more information you accrue, the more confident you will feel taking on a particular task. If you know what it takes to direct the chances an outcome in your favor, wouldn't you feel more sure about success?


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