Definition Essay On Being Normal

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For as long as people live, they strive to be “normal”. We work hard to ensure we fit the status quo. What is normal you may ask? The term “normal” means usual or ordinary : not strange and mentally and physically healthy. With fear of rejection, we may mask many talents that make us who we are, for example, one’s interest in something typically considered “normal”. That’s the problem, the term normal is putting such stress on our society, thus leaving us to hide what makes us who are. We are forgetting that underneath religion, color, background and opinion, we are all just people striving to fit the “normal” that not everyone can reach. For example, people who aren’t mentally or physically healthy, people who a very eccentric background and people who just aren’t majority. Therefore, in order to build a better world, we must redefine the definition of normal, making it achievable for larger variety of people. …show more content…

While researching this topic, I stumbled across a wikihow on how to be normal. It said you must come out of your comfort zone more often and keep a clean house, you should dress like those around you and speak perfectly every time you open your mouth. Any of these contradict how you live? Well guess what, you’re not normal. The general argument made by Eric Maisel in his blog “What do we mean by normal”, on Psychology Today, is that normal is a term people have started to hide behind. Maisel states, “Normal can’t mean and must not mean ‘what we see most of’ or ‘what we see all the time’. It must have a different from that to mean anything of the value to right thinking people”, suggesting that what we’ve be told is normal is wrong because we’re looking at the wrong values. This relates back to the thesis, “in order to build a better world, we must redefine the definition of normal, making it achievable for larger variety of

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