Decline Of Marriage In America Essay

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Marriage over the recent years has been a popular topic. There as been an increase of same sex marriages has well as the push to make them legal everywhere. However, marriage has a whole has been on a decline. What is causing this to happen? There’s no obvious reason why this is happening from the surface level so lets look little closer to get a better understanding what is happening. Why are so many people opposed to getting married in today’s world? Below are six reason why marriage is on a decline here in America according to John Hawkins. First is the Sexual Revolution. If we were to go back 50 or 60 years ago, one of the big reasons why people got married is for sex and to have a family. Now a day’s, that notion is no longer apparent. Sex can happen before marriage or even sometimes after 2 or dates …show more content…

Women have the same ability has men to support a family in today’s world. Both women and men go to college to get degree and high paying jobs. Having “additional economic options make marriage -- and staying in a difficult marriage -- less attractive to women” (Hawkins). Lastly, Children have become more of an economic hindrance than a help. One of the popular reasons to having kids is when one grows old, they have their children to take care of them. However, now a days, it costs a lot of money to raise a child. “he cost of raising a child has skyrocketed. You'll now have to take $235,000 out of your wallet to raise a kid to 17 -- and that doesn't even include college costs” (Hawkins). If one doe not want to have kids, they are basically taking away the biggest reason to get married in the first place. So, those are six different reasons why marriage has been on the decline throughout the world today. It is kind sad to see the tradition of marriage falling away but we don’t have many options when it comes to trying to support a family in today’s economy. Times are changing and we have to hold on

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