Analysis Of He's Just Not That Into You

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He’s Just Not That Into You is an advice book written by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo, whom are both writers for the television show Sex and the City. This advice book gives women tips on how to tell if the guy they are talking to just isn 't that into them. Each chapter of this book begins with the phrase, “He’s Just Not That Into You If…” For example, Chapter one, “He’s Just Not That Into You If He’s Not Asking You Out” (Behrendt & Tuccillo, p. 9), Chapter two, “He’s Just Not That Into You If He’s Not Calling You” (Behrendt & Tuccillo, p. 23), and my favorite chapter, chapter six, “He’s Just Not That Into You If He Only Wants to See You When He’s Drunk.” (Behrendt & Tuccillo, p. 70) Each chapter includes letters addressed to Greg from …show more content…

For a very long time, men always had a higher status than women. In marriages during the beginning of the 1900s, men were dominant over their wives. They were the providers and the leaders of their families.(Bernstein, 2011) For women, their main goal in life was to get married to a man that could provide for them financially. Women did not attend college or have careers, so having a man asking for their hand in marriage was a need and a privilege. Originally, marriage contracts stated that any property that the woman owned automatically became his once they were married. (Bernstein, 2011) Even though marriage contracts were changed so that women could own their own property and they gained the right to vote in 1920, women were still looked down upon. (Bernstein, 2011) Until the 1980s, rape within marriages was legal because technically it was the wife’s job to have sex with her husband. (Bernstein, 2011) Women literally only seen as something for men to marry so they had someone provide them with children and to take care of them …show more content…

These days, marriage contracts fortunately treat both men and women the same, and look at it as more of a partnership rather than a legal contract with economical advantages. (Bernstein, 2011) Today, women have more goals than getting married and having children, most want to go to college and having a successful career. It is normal for a woman to be completely successful all on her own without a husband. These days, a woman can be the bread winner of her family while her husband is a stay at home father. There are also several single working mothers and single working

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