Death Penalty Essay

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The people in support of the death penalty say that if murderers are sentenced to death, future committers will think about the consequences before they actually proceed with the crime. However, most murderers don’t expect or plan to be caught and weigh their fate. Because, murders are committed when the murderer is angry or passionate, or by drug abusers and people under the influence of drugs or alcohol ("Deterrence (In Opposition to the Death Penalty)”). Therefore, it will not deter future crimes and will actually increase the amount of murders because of society. As previously stated, the death penalty isn’t proven to prevent future murders and/or crimes because it actually increases the likelihood of committing murder. It doesn’t prevent future murders because it would upset the family and friends of the person who was executed. For example, if someone was executed by the death penalty and it was someones family member, then the person who lost their loved one by the execution would most likely commit murder in anger. If that person was executed the next family member would get angry and so on. The cycle would never end and would have more murders. There is no final proof that the death penalty is a better deterrent than other options. Not having the death penalty would be better because it could save many lives. For example, United States a country that uses the death penalty has a higher murder rate than Europe or Canada which are countries that do not use the death penalty. To get a little specific, the states in the United States that do not use the death penalty have a lower murder rate than the states that do.
The supporters of the death penalty say that when someone murders another, the balance of justice is disarrang...

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...d the crime in some states. This is because some states in the United States do not have the death penalty but have the life sentence. This can also be for different countries. For instance, if someone in one country or state gets sentenced to the death penalty, but then someone who committed about the same crime in another country or state gets a life sentence. One man in one country or state has to die while the other in the other country or state gets to live. Finally, the death penalty is unreliable and not properly used because most trials have some serious errors. A statistic by Columbia University Law School says that two thirds of all capital trials had some major errors. It also stated that after the cases retired, over 80% of the defendants were not given the death sentence and only 7% were completely free (“Innocence (In Opposition to the Death Penalty)”).

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