Death: Comparing Hamlet with My Own Personal Experience

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As we live our lives, we don't really take the time to stop and take notice of the little things going on around us. We don't question why the sky is blue or why does the sun rises. Those are questions that we can easily search and find the answer to. What challenges the mind the most in my opinion is complete uncertainty. When there isnt a definite answer, you have to paint your own picture on what you think it will be. The spellbinding question of “How can I accept the idea that someday my life will end” will definitely have your mind racing in a million different directions.Hamlet found himself aqquring death when he states in his monolouge that “To die, to sleep.To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there’s the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come” (Act 3 Scene 1). This is his way of coming to terms that death is certain and ineviatble. I can honestly say that I'm still in the mind-boggling process of accepting the matter myself. When I encountered death first hand, it was at a funeral of a loved one. Mortified and deeply filled with sadness I felt the same way as Ham...

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