Deadly Knee Strike Case Study

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A deadly knee strike to the floating rib can cause internal bleeding. Blocking (striking) with the Shin or Calf (12/14); is the next study and the practitioner must toughen and strengthen these body parts if he expects to take and deliver blows successfully without injury. Very powerful and damaging kicks can be thrown with the shin and the calves and are almost certain for a knockout. When the calf (axe kick) is being used the weight of the blow will make the opponent feel as though the whole world was dropped upon him? Sweep, kick or strike your opponents shins and calves for the desired effect to take him down. Averaged placed blows will render opponent unable to walk or stand. A powerful enough blow to the shin can …show more content…

Strike the base of the skull (from the 2nd to 7th cervical Vertebra) leading to the beginning of the Back or spinal nervous system with the fist (1/36), use the fore-knuckles panther strike (13/36), a well-placed Shuto (23/36), or an open hand-center palm strike (27/36). Striking this area causes unconsciousness, damage to the brain/skull, crippling and even death. Striking the upper middle area of the Back, between the blades is very painful; use the panther knuckle strike (13/36), Ridge hand karate chop (23/36) or the Elbow (5/14) a penetrating or powerful enough blow can cause the opponent to cough up blood, paralyze or crippling, shut down organs or can kill. Palm slap (27/36) the area of the Back where it first begins to curve into an S-shape, it is damaging to the lungs and it will make the opponent cough up blood. Striking to the sides of the thoracic vertebra within the very center of the Back cause’s paralyses and in some extreme cases may cause possible death. A heavy blow (1/36) may knock the vertebrates off line which is the cause for many dysfunctions and Back related

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