Dbq Mongols

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After some time, the impact of the Mongols has created a large background for historical developments. Important exchanges have moved past the Silk Road and global economy has gained significance from the New World. However, one territory that the Mongolian Conquests has influenced in demographics. Central Asia had major changes such as the decline in Indo-Aryan or Indo-European languages. The Turkic population moved across Central Asia during the rise of the conquest. This caused popular cities and their populations to decrease drastically due to migration. This also happened to the Middle East, Europe, and China. These countries lost the ability to control their trade routes after the development of the Silk Road. With this, the rise of Turkic …show more content…

The Mongolian clans were formed in 1206 by their chief, Genghis Khan. Khan started these conquests to take control of Asia. As he conquered each piece of land, he took in many cultural advances such as technology and languages. With that, he spread many cultures around the world and many countries developed from these invasions, some even changed. Some think that the Mongolian Conquests murdered a vast number of people than any war. Furthermore, the conquests have been proposed as starting the spread of the Black Death as known as the bubonic plague. This was seen as strategies and developments of population may have boosted the bacteria to …show more content…

This is because the Mongols brought the countries together. In addition, Knowledge and wisdom began to spread from Asia to Europe leading to new methods of mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. New banking methods and protection policies, coming from Eurasia, spread into Europe and help establish financing. Essentially, this connected with trade in the Silk Road and Eurasia. With navigation and ship construction being enhanced, ships were ready to navigate long distance and along open seas. Basically, the thought process of later explorers, such as Christopher Columbus, to achieve the wealth of the east, including India, to reduce costs and profits. The discovery of the New World was affected by the Mongol invasions since it reengaged Europe in trade with the East and prompted explorers wanting to discover new routes to avoid middlemen on the way to their destinations. Goods such as pepper, ginger and other spices were introduced to Europe more prominent rates. Cost for items dropped as authorities competed for taxes collected along Silk Road. Traders saw potential to benefit other countries such as China and India if the travel time and distance was cut down. Gun-making also was introduced to Europe and other regions during the Mongol’s

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