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The silk road trade and its impact
The silk road trade and its impact
Impacts of the Mongol Empire
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After some time, the impact of the Mongols has created a large background for historical developments. Important exchanges have moved past the Silk Road and global economy has gained significance from the New World. However, one territory that the Mongolian Conquests has influenced in demographics. Central Asia had major changes such as the decline in Indo-Aryan or Indo-European languages. The Turkic population moved across Central Asia during the rise of the conquest. This caused popular cities and their populations to decrease drastically due to migration. This also happened to the Middle East, Europe, and China. These countries lost the ability to control their trade routes after the development of the Silk Road. With this, the rise of Turkic …show more content…
based dynasties began and the Ottoman Empire. Numerous areas kept a small population for centuries, such as Iran and Iraq, where they once upheld a bigger population and did not get increase until the 20th century. This which meant that these regions turned out to be less important in global affairs, as new powers emerged. The Mongols were nomadic warriors from Central Asia.
The Mongolian clans were formed in 1206 by their chief, Genghis Khan. Khan started these conquests to take control of Asia. As he conquered each piece of land, he took in many cultural advances such as technology and languages. With that, he spread many cultures around the world and many countries developed from these invasions, some even changed. Some think that the Mongolian Conquests murdered a vast number of people than any war. Furthermore, the conquests have been proposed as starting the spread of the Black Death as known as the bubonic plague. This was seen as strategies and developments of population may have boosted the bacteria to …show more content…
spread. The Mongol Conquests are known as the most devastating invasions in global history. There were more notable effects based on the conquests, primarily because it created openings for many regions while other saw their empires collapse. Europe profited from the invasions as it brought down costs in merchandise being traded that started to stream more significantly. Additional information also flowed through Europe that help contribute to eventually launched the Renaissance. Other area, especially in the Middle East, declined political and financial power. Along with this problem, the Mongols caused China’s isolation policies towards the outside world. China viewed Europe and the outside as “uncivilized” and since the invasion was still recent to Chinese rulers, it led to a greater pivot away the rest of the world. This effect is long-term for China because of its economic and political difference. After the invasion on Europe, explorers were able to move over the Silk Road easier and travel across Eurasia with no barriers.
This is because the Mongols brought the countries together. In addition, Knowledge and wisdom began to spread from Asia to Europe leading to new methods of mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. New banking methods and protection policies, coming from Eurasia, spread into Europe and help establish financing. Essentially, this connected with trade in the Silk Road and Eurasia. With navigation and ship construction being enhanced, ships were ready to navigate long distance and along open seas. Basically, the thought process of later explorers, such as Christopher Columbus, to achieve the wealth of the east, including India, to reduce costs and profits. The discovery of the New World was affected by the Mongol invasions since it reengaged Europe in trade with the East and prompted explorers wanting to discover new routes to avoid middlemen on the way to their destinations. Goods such as pepper, ginger and other spices were introduced to Europe more prominent rates. Cost for items dropped as authorities competed for taxes collected along Silk Road. Traders saw potential to benefit other countries such as China and India if the travel time and distance was cut down. Gun-making also was introduced to Europe and other regions during the Mongol’s
invasion. During the Mongol’s Conquests, neighboring nations had already been uncooperative with each other went into a state of “Pax Mongolica”. This term is used to describe the peace that took placed between the countries. This peace allowed for past exchange routes between Europe and Asia, or Eurasia, which was formally called the Silk Road, to be revived. Monks, teachers, and researched travelled across the road to work in other countries as well. This encouraged the exchange of knowledge that would have been impossible to form before these invasions. In result of the Mongol Conquest, international trade was born. It also formed the unification of present day Russia. Merchants from the Middle East and Asia waited from valuable goods such as tea, spices, Asian artworks, etc. The Mongols opened several doors for all religions as well. They helped connected Europe and Asia and introduced an era of expanded contacts amongst East and West. Each side exchanged cultures from East to West and vice versa. Once the Mongols had accomplished solidness and request in their newly acquired spaces.
The Mongols were a group of nomadic people who were known for not only their ferocity in battle but also their tolerance of other cultures. Over the course of their many empires, the Mongols conquered lands from as far as the Korean peninsula to the Islamic civilizations of the Middle East. The movement of the Mongol people into these areas was met with mixed opinions, as members of some societies respected the braveness of the Mongols while others saw them as destructive. According to Ala-ad-Din Ata-Malik Juvaini, 15th century Korean scholars, and Rashid al-Din, the Mongols were a group of tolerant people who attempted to eradicate injustice and corruptness (1,3,4). However, members of other societies viewed the Mongols as coldhearted and merciless because of the damage they dealt in the conquest of Russian cities and the taxes they forced upon their conquered societies (1,2). Nonetheless, some scholars and historians recognized the Mongols power and braveness, but were indifferent with their views of the Mongol civilization.
Mongol rule between nations both varied and shared many similarities. Both China and Russia were incorporated into the ever expanding Mongol empire. The massive expanses of land each civilization contained would help to increase the power the Mongols had. This would also help them to control more of Eurasia. Many people were killed during the brutal wars the Mongols started to try and conquer land. They were power hungry and destroyed everything that got in the way of their conquests. The Mongols never assimilated into neither Chinese nor Russian culture. This led to rebellions against the Mongols in both Chinese and Russian areas.
...s misused their common material interest to overcome the political fault diving them, while giving up political unity they had conserved a combined cultural and commercial empire. The connection that the Mongol Empire relied on was the quick and constant motion of people, goods, and information around the empire.
It can be said that Eurasia underwent large changes between 1000 and 1450. Governments were changing their methods of control and trade networks increasing globalization worldwide. Along with these new changes, scientific and technological innovations in Eurasia took flight and reached new heights unseen. As new ideas traveled main trade routes, such as the Silk Road and the Mediterranean, the effects of such were felt through an influx of contact between countries due to increased desire for new information and countries gaining a larger presence on the world stage. This phenomenon can also be seen
1.) As a whole, the entry of the Europeans into the Asian sea trading network had relatively little effect on the entire system. The entry of the Europeans into the network led to the establishment of new trade routes in the Indian Ocean to the southern Atlantic near the Cape of Good Hope. In water, the Europeans were superior militarily, but on land against fortified Asian settlements, the Asians far surpassed the Europeans technologically. The only superior items that the Europeans had were small, fast sea vessels such as caravels, clocks, and weaponry. This situation of inferiority led to the Europeans’ plan of adaptation to the Asian network instead of trying to control it. Although the Europeans had little to offer, the agricultural items introduced such as crops first cultivated in the Americas proved to be very sustainable and led to large amounts of population growth, but the growing numbers eventually led to the spread of epidemic diseases that ultimately ravaged both Asian and European populations.
The Mongol empire was the largest land empire the world has ever seen. First began as a nomadic group of tribes. Mongols were united and emerged into an empire that conquered lands stretching from Europe to Central Asia under the rule of Genghis Khan. The Mongol empire was able to succeed in expanding, and conquering was due to their ability to adapt to any living conditions, their sheer brutality force, and their strong military organization. To begin, one factor that supported the Mongols in their conquests was their capacity for foraging, allowing them to survive under harsh living conditions.
Many events occurred such as, The New World being discovered by European Explorers in 1492. Later in 1498, they also discovered a sea route to India in the East. All of these events contributed to the idea that the Explorers had more impact than the Reformation and Religions. Thus, the Explorers were more important because they found the New World and discovered many things. Christopher Colombus was who found the New World and Vasco de Gama discovered the sea route to India.
In conclusion, During the Mongols had a positive impact on the world because they introduced the freedom and spread of religion, the peaceful period, and the influence of the pony
Nomads were credited with being a large part in the spread of religion, languages, currency, teachings/educational techniques, between regions. New advancements also promoted regional interactions between Africa, Asia, and Europe. For example the invention of printing in China changed life in China but also in places that it spread to westward. Europe was one of the places that cultivated the advancement of paper and printing, causing an intellectual uprising in Europe and Asia. Gunpowder is another Chinese invention that has now made its way around the world and has changed the way we fight wars and use weapons in general. Technological advancements discovered and cultivated changed the economy and agriculture between Europe, Asia and Africa promoting more forms of trade and commerce. Trade between regions was practiced on a massive scale, routes were developed such as the Silk Roads, that furthered trade and regional connections. New forms of trade became popular such as slaves from Africa along with gold and fine art or glass trinkets. This is why there is much similarity in artwork between regions. For instance Europe mimicked a lot of Asia’s art techniques,
grew and lasted for about 108 years until they failed by trying to conquer India and were weak the Ming Dynasty overthrew the rulers. The Mongols were not afraid to kill. If one person refuses to do something for them their whole clan will pay, they would leave no survivors. That's what helped make them so successful, many had heard about their gruesome approach and surrendered and accepted submissions. The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a positive impact on the world during their rule of the Asian continent from 1206 to 1368 by influencing trade, warfare and uniting China.
Another idea for why the Mongols began there conquests has to do with Ghengis Khan again. Maybe he felt he had to prove something to himself or to the gods. He lost his father when he was only nine years old. The thought of being such a great leader would maybe have given Ghengis Khan the belief that he was pleasing his father. These thoughts could have given Ghengis Khan the strength and will power to try to bring the tribes together to begin there conquests.
Europe mainly traded with Africa and the Portuguese people who were slave owners, the slave industry in trade really boomed around this time because the slaves could be used for just about anything their owners could want. The second part of the prompt asks, “How did trade and exploration have a positive impact on each region?” The positive impact that was made in Asia was the travel of different people into their country and the expansion of a new language and culture. This quote helps further my point on the expansion of the new language in Asia due to trade routes, “Travelers seeking to enter South Asia had a choice of routes. Land routes through the Hindu Kush in the northwest allowed contacts between South Asia and central Asia through what is today
Over the years there have been many great nomadic groups, such as the Vikings and the Kievan, but no nomadic group has been more successful than the Mongols. The Mongols have had many lasting influences on Russia, China, and even Europe. The Mongols have left a mark on the European trading systems in technologies as well as in their trading systems trade routes. One thing that stayed the same throughout Europe was their many religion.
The discovery of the new world brought the Europeans resources, money, and people. Discovery of the new was such an impact on the European exploration because of land. Countries would now have more land in their name with lots of resources. Discovery the new world made the European come up with the ideal of slavery. This was a negative for the people who lived on the land because they were either killed, brought into slavery, or kicked off the island (3). Crops and resources was another reason why the discovery of the new world was important. Exploring the world gave the Europeans resources that were very convenience. Gold was the greatest convenience resources found during the European exploration (3). When the Europeans were traveling across they weren’t just looking for land and money. They also learned from the Indians and others about their culture (3). Learning about another culture made the explorers bring back some of their culture and share it with the old world. The explorers found lots of resources and crops that they didn’t have, they also found out that the Indians didn’t have things they had, and this is what lead to the Columbian
It is not possible to think clearly about the Silk Road without taking into consideration the whole of Eurasia as its geographical context. Trade along the Silk Road flourished or diminished according to the conditions in China, Byzantium, Persia, and other countries along the way. There was also competition for alternative routes, by land and sea, to absorb long-distance