Dark Skin People Essay

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In the United states, there are many people who have different colors. There are dark skin and white skin people and because of the variety of colored people, some controversial issues are growing in the U.S 's society. Many people argue about ethnic discrimination and racism in this society since years ago. The United States of America has independent system that has historical policies, and still these policies are playing a significant role through the white skin people. As a result, racism has been developing in many domains in this society. These polices should be used, so there are institutions that held these policies. Because white skin people control these institutions in various domains, these policies that the white people control represent racism in public resources including housing, health care, and education. As a result, many people who have a dark skin color are affected negatively because they do not access to their resources fairly. The first issue that dark skin people are not able to get it …show more content…

In the world today, college and university educations is important in order to get high job positions while in the past college degree was not necessary. However, college degree is now being mandatory, and many dark skin people struggle from the financial aid policies. The policy of the financial aid says that people who have negative credit history in last 5 years are not able to get education. Many Africans Americans do not have an enough money and as a result, they are dropped out of colleges and universities. This caused them to not having jobs and they were not able to continue having education. If the policy of financial aid changes, these dark skin people can graduate with a certification so that they get high positions jobs. However, white skin people do not want dark skin people to be educated and to get high jobs. Thus, racism policies affects dark skin

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