Da Doggone Daddy-Daughter Dinner Dance: Racial And Ethnic Stereotypes

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In the world we live in today, most of us will watch TV just for the entertainment if we have nothing to do, but do we actually understand and care about the messages that are being displayed in front of us? Racial and ethnic stereotypes have created a trend throughout different television programs. They tend to supply untrustworthy information about certain groups of people to the audience. There are many people around the world that come from different places, develop as a different race from someone else, expand into different cultures, and believe in certain moral values. Because of this, people automatically start to separate from one another. Often when some people begin to stereotype others when they don’t truly know them, they are …show more content…

Some of them hold the habit of forgetting about how much it forms our thinking process without even noticing it. In the episode, “Da Doggone Daddy-Daughter Dinner Dance” on The Cleveland Show, two children, Roberta and Rallo, were watching TV in the living room, and all of the sudden, they showed a black and white cartoon show that lasted very short of a black man slapping a white lady. Then, the mother comes by and turns off the TV. She probably doesn’t want them to be exposed to the racism culture that is happening out in the world so they won’t be involved in the problem. This episode links back to Pozner’s statement as I mentioned earlier because too many times, most people in the African American race feel insulted by some of the whites since some of them want to think that they are better than some African Americans depending on how wealthy they are, the kind of items that they own, and more importantly looks matter to them. If Roberta and Rallo’s mom were to keep the TV on, they would’ve continued to watch the cartoon and develop different behavior styles, thinking it’s okay for them to attack some other races wherever they go since that’s how media is making it seem to be. Once the media puts an end to these stereotypes, the representations of African Americans will be able to be viewed in a positive way without promoting negative …show more content…

Some people need to realize that before they jump to conclusions about someone’s image, they should interact with that person first because if that person were to hear all of the negative generalizations they are making up, chances are the person is going to feel ashamed of themselves and feel as if they should try to fit in someone else’s character in order to feel accepted in the world. On top of that, some people need to think of appropriate language to use when they are around all types of people that they might not know well because everyone has different appearances and develops certain skills. Not all the time people are going to share the same traits as other people and there’s nothing wrong with that. Once people just stick to who they really are, they will become more confident about themselves, no matter what other people think about

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