DBQ Essay: The Importance Of Nationalism

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Nationalism DBQ
All over the world and in history, countries and nations have expressed pride towards their nations through spirit and have unified together as one. Nationalism is the force behind the unification, strength, and cooperation of these nations. First, nationalism is a powerful force that helps to unite all different people into a single nation. It is also important for nations to use nationalism to claim justified independence from one another. Finally, nationalism can be taken too far if it is used unjustly or incorrectly. Nationalism is important and necessary for beneficial political changes, but can become harmful and unproductive when used for a country’s personal agenda and lust for power. Nationalism helps countries to rally together and claim their freedom and independence from other, overpowering nations or countries. An Italian nationalist, Giuseppe Garibaldi used imagery and vivid description to attract nationalists to join is side, such as “They will give to her their last drop of blood, seeking no other reward save that of having done their duty, and that a clear conscience may abide with them” (Document 3). These unifying statements encourage all people to join Garibaldi and his promise to reward all those to join him with “a clear conscience” for their duty. This method of propaganda is extremely beneficial in encouraging people of the same values to unify together as …show more content…

Further, Count von Beust voices his intentions to reinstate the Hungarian empire by stating, “The leading principles of my plan are, not the creation of a new kingdom and a new Constitution, but the resurrection of an old monarchy and an old Constitution; not the separation of one part of the empire from the other, but the drawing together of the two component parts by the recognition of their joint positions…” Beust specifically states that he attends for the

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