Cyberbullying Is Bad

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Throughout many generations, cyberbullying has been a problem for many people around the world. The advancement of technology has made cyberbullying an exceptionally difficult issue to resolve in our society. Due to the improvement of technology, teachers, and school staffs have reached a point where cyberbullying is beyond their control outside of school hours and they have no jurisdiction over. Cyberbullying has triggered individuals to become suicidal, depressed, and self-harmful.
Cyberbullying has led people to become suicidal. Suicidal is the second highest death in the world for teenagers. About twenty percent of minors in the United States have the thought of killing themselves and each year about five to eight percent of minors …show more content…

These young kids and teens do self-harm because it is a sign that they are stressed and overwhelmed. There are different types of self-harm like marking their skins, pulling their hair, burning their skins, and much more. Young teens who continuously get cyber bullied would have slit their own wrist or have done far more than that. In counseling sessions, around forty-seven thousand young people mentioned self-harm- a worrisome of forty-one percent (Ensom 1). Doing self-harm to themselves makes these young kids, and teens feel a reliever of stress and it is a distraction with the fact that they are being cyberbullied. The hateful words, the threats that these teenagers face every day of their life can cause them to continuously hurt and cut themselves. Adults do not understand that cyber bullying is not hurting their child, but little did they know that their child is physically hurting …show more content…

She was being bullied online because her friends thought that she abandon them for a guy. The girls would spread rumors about her online and the girls would also tweet rude comments about her like “ Sad to hear u rather treat a fck boy instead of your friends.” The whole school read about it online and they started talking about her. Some people did not want to talk to her because of the rumors they heard. She felt hurt and she wanted to do something to herself. Her mother got worried about her and she got suspicious because in the past she would tie a rope around her neck until she would not breathe. Her mother did not want anything to happen to her so she asked, what happen? Then she finally confessed and told her the truth that she was being cyberbullied. So her mother called the school and the counselor called the girls to come to the counselor's office to talk to the daughter and the mother. They talked about the problem and it was hard for her because the girls did not want to even make contact with her. Her mother explains the situation to the counselor and the principal. Her mother started to cry because everyone is family and they are doing this to her daughter. Her mother said to the girls that if her daughter did not tell about the problem, her daughter would have committed suicide. The girls started to cry and finally confessed about the cyber bullying. They all apologized

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