Cyber Bullying: The Patterns And Effects Of Cyberbullying

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Cyberbullying is respective, unwanted aggressive behavior that involves a power imbalance and takes places one. It’s not just one time, it 's not just two friends teasing each other. Making threats, spreading rumors, or attacking someone with words. A person who is cyber bullied feels the aggressors have power over him or her. Cyberbullying also includes messages, photos, or pages that don 't get taken down, even after the person has been asked to do so. In other words, anything that gets posted online and is deliberately intended to hurt.

First Paragraph (Cyberbullying)

Cyberbullying is a harassment through the internet or other technologies. 42% of youth nationally have experienced cyberbullying, and 53% admitted to being …show more content…

Since then, both school officials and parents have become alarmed about this growing problem (Shah, 2011a). Cyberbullying tends to follow the same patterns as traditional forms of bullying; students who are bullies and victims on the playground play similar roles in cyberspace (Raskauskas & Stoltz, 2007). I think if you want your children to be safe online, then teach them and their friends to speak up against cyber bullying. It 's sad that many students have lost their lives due to bullying. It seems students are meaner than when I was in school. Everyone gets bullied in one way or another. Whether it be a parent, older sibling, other kids, etc. everyone gets bullied. That 's life. Does it suck? Yes. Will it change? No. No matter how you raise people, some people are just bullies. So, why to be naive and act like bullying will go away, when in reality, it never will. Teach your kids not to value the negativity people say about them. Teach your children to stand up for themselves. Teach your children to defend themselves. Don 't teach them to be a victim. Cyberbullying is hard to measure, but an informal poll revealed that almost half of the middle schoolers polled had experienced some form of cyberbullying (Hoffman, 2010). Given the popularity of Internet use among teenagers (most teenagers use it every day), cyberbullying is likely to remain a persistent problem (Davis, 2011). Attempts to prevent bullying often focus on helping students understand the consequences of their negative behaviors and teaching alternative prosocial

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