Curse Of Macbeth

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What are shakespearean curses? Shakespearean curses are curses that come from Hamlet and Macbeth. Macbeth is the main curse because there are so many stories that have had to do with being cursed from the Macbeth play or “that scottish play”. Many people have either gotten sick, had something wild happen to them, or died because they had been around the play that has been so mysteriously cursed. I found a lot of articles that explain why everything with the play happened, who it happened to, and what actually happened to the people that it affected. In my research i found this excerpt, “it is clear that superstitions about a Macbeth curse go back at least to the Victorian theatre, and that there is a more or less direct connection between …show more content…

The very first incident reported dates back to 1606 which was the play’s opening but it didn’t go how everyone was thinking it was going to. “Hal Berridge was to play Lady Macbeth at the play’s opening on August 7th, 1606. Unfortunately, he was stricken with another fever and died.” (Curse of the Play Pg.1 ). The curse behind this play was so sketchy, there were many fevers and sickness that resulted in death, but also physical harm that ended in death which could be considered murder. “Amsterdam in 1672, the actor in the title is said to have used a real dagger for which he murders Duncan for real. The play was revived in London in 1703, and that day England was hit with one of the most violent storms in history.” (Curse of the Play Pg.1 ) The play even brought out the crazy in people where in 1721, a nobleman who was watching the show decided to walk across the stage to talk to a friend. The actors, upset by this, drew their swords and drove the nobleman from the theatre. The nobleman then returned with the militia and burned the theatre down. Sometimes it would get so bad there would be tons of people get wounded, injured or die. In one protest it escalated into a riot, which lead the militia to fire into the crowd. This concluded with 23 people losing their life, 36 people were wounded and hundreds of people were injured. After all this stuff has happened plus many many more experiences that happened, one of the most important things that happened that had to deal with the curse of the Macbeth play had to do with President Lincoln. “IN 1865, the president was reading passages aloud to a party of friends, passages which happened to follow the scene in which Duncan is assassinated. Within a week President Lincoln himself was dead by a murders hand.” (Curse of the Play Pg.1 ) The Macbeth play got so bad

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