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The effects of organizational culture
The effects of organizational culture
The effects of organizational culture
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Abstract Although the concept of leadership and culture for a company has been around since the early 18th century, the ways that companies structure their leadership and culture can vary based on the business. Companies have to use different techniques to ensure that the leadership and culture are aligned. The evolution of leadership and culture entering companies has allowed employees structure around leadership exceptions and the climate in which the exceptions will need to be met. There are different industries in which business is conducted. For this reason employers will need to be aware of the leadership style and business culture to find ways keep their companies operating in a cohesive manner. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss leadership and culture and the impact it has on an organization. As the business world around us is constantly changing, there is a need to recognize that leadership and culture will also change. The researcher will discuss the importance of company culture, leadership, and strategy. The researcher will show why these three topics are important to sustain a robust company. Culture …show more content…
(Merriam- Webster 2016) Researchers state that while many of the most effective corporate cultures have a grassroots element that incorporates the thoughts and ideas of the individuals on the front lines (which is a crucial element in building a strong culture), allowing a culture to be nurtured and developed always starts at the top: i.e. with the CEO and senior leadership (Pearce & Robinson 2014).Culture is part of the foundation that businesses need to function
Today’s organizations require leadership styles conducive to supporting an organization’s culture, competiveness and effectiveness for survival in the 21st century. The depth of leadership presents leaders and managers with the task of understanding and supporting the needs of employees while maintaining strategic goals and missions throughout daily leadership. However, when an organization’s culture falters due to various factors, does leadership style bear the overall responsibility for internal discord?
Leadership can be defined as the way through which one individual has impacts and influences the attitudes and behavior of other people at a workplace. The tasks of leaders in corporations include organizational as well as departmental activities. Leaders are responsible fr coordination of these activities so as to reach the goals successfully by motivating and inspiring team members. (DUYGULU, Ethem and Ciraklar, Nurcan, 2008). Besides, leaders are supposed to resolve issues by avoiding conflicting situations related to work and strive to boost progress on achieving the overall objectives of a company. Moreover, great leaders provide the required knowledge,
A leader gets the job done by inspiring employees to do his or her best. By combining the best of leadership behaviors and traits, a strong foundation for a healthy organizational culture is created. As shown in the case study of Perot Systems, leadership styles of the past are no longer effective with ever changing business demands. Businesses require different leadership styles in relationship to their situations to make themselves successful now and in the future.
Leadership can be defined as the method in which one influences a group of individuals for a common goal. There have many great leaders in the world but these leaders are not born leaders. One must have willpower and the desire to become an effective leader. These leaders become dependent upon based upon their abilities and their success. A leader is looked upon for guidance and the inspiration to know what the right thing to do is. The theoretical foundations of the research of leadership are firmly supported. To better understand the foundations and understand the focus of leadership, it is essential to have knowledge of the history of leadership, the meaning and concept of leadership, types of leaders and leadership styles, and issues in leadership such as issues with culture and gender. According to Antonakis (2004), “leadership researchers have struggled for most of the last century to put together an integrated, theoretically cohesive view of the nature of leadership, invariably leading to disappointment in those who studied it” (p.4). An overview of the history of leadership is necessary to understand the concept of leadership because it also provides a framework for other areas of leadership. In any conventional group, individuals fill different role and one of those roles must the leader which is essential for the group to achieve it purposes.
The idea of what’s morally right and wrong changes within each culture whether an organizational culture or between individuals. However, the best leaders are the ones who do what’s right and best for the organization. During this research paper I will attempt to define the term leadership style and its concept. Moreover, I will attempt to describe three leadership styles, the development and the process one would follow to modify their leadership style. When pertaining to myself, I never saw myself as a leader but I will attempt to describe my leadership style and the advantages and disadvantage I would have in a business environment.
Rosen, R. H. (1997). Learning to lead. In F. Hesselbein, M. Goldsmith & R. Beckhard (Eds.), The Organization of the Future. The Drucker Foundation Future Series (p. 306). New York, NY: Jossey-Bass Inc Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership. (4th ed., p. 13). San Francisco: Johan Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Leadership is the glue that binds any business together, identifying and understanding your type of leadership style can ultimately aid you in becoming a better leader in your professional career. A successful business cannot function without leadership therefore this is a crucial aspect of internal employee development for businesses striving to stay relevant in a crowded marketplace. In addition to recognizing your leadership style every leader needs to look to them and identify what type of personality they have. By becoming an informed business leader you will gain trust and respect of your team to guide them into the future and maximizing potential growth. Throughout this paper I will identify my leadership style and also personality type and how it has affected my personal career growth. Identifying these conclusions is extremely important in crafting company culture.
In today's world economy companies come and go every single day. It takes good strong leadership and management to guide an organization to success. While many people consider management and leadership to be synonymous they are in reality two different concepts. A person can be a good leader but if he does not know how to manage a company that company will be destined to fail. Also if a person had great management skills but lacks in leadership no matter how good he is if he can not lead his employees towards the goal then it is a failed attempt at success. Management is considered a job description whereas leadership is considered a trait. In this paper we will differentiate between management and leadership. We will also examine how leaders create and maintain a healthy organizational culture.
Leadership is defined as the action of guiding an individual or group of people. Effective leaders shape the behavior and thought process of the individuals around them. As a result, the success of an organization is often impacted by the leadership style and approach of its leaders. Even when engaging with multiple people, impactful leaders maintain their own style of leadership but occasionally change their approach based on the motivational needs of each individual. However, regardless of the style, leadership within an organization is designed to drive the performance of their employees and it is done through proficient communication. This guidance influences the culture of an organization, which subsequently, helps to shape its leaders.
House et al. (2007) discovers that leadership and Organisational culture are closely linked together as leaders influence the culture of their organisations. Researches talk about a range of leadership definitions but it is not easy to define. (E.g. Western, 2008; Yukl, 2010). However, Cohen (2009) critically analyses definitions from Dracker (1996), Eisenhower (1969), Northouse (2004) and finally summarised the definition of leadership constitutes five elements. First of all, ask question to set direction, which means effective leaders need to listen to followers’ voice respectfully and then share the common goals and ideas with them. In addition, leaders need to seek insights and allocate resources optimally; act ethically; allow their employees to work in a conformable and most effective way. This essay will explain different leadership styles and how they influence the organisations with examples of organisations and leaders with main focus on well-known entrepreneur: Sir Alan Sugar. He grows from nothing to incredible success (£ 730 million), is a legend in the UK business history; his reality TV show “The Apprentice”, a great entertainment for recruitment appeals to the public without reasons. However, he as a person is controversial amongst people, probably due to his leadership style as bullying or harassment (destructive). There are four schools of leadership styles: Trait, behavioural, contingency and transformational. Nevertheless, in the case of Alan Sugar, trait and transactional styles match him which will be illustrated following in detail.
Simply speaking, a company’s structure and design can be viewed as its body, and its culture as its soul. Because industries and situations vary significantly, it would be difficult and risky to propose there is a “one size fits all” culture template that meets the needs of all organizations” (Nov 30, 2012). Those organizations who have shared beliefs and values and have organized methods on chain of command going to have positive outcomes. This will help shaping their employees views and performances. The growth and profit of the business relays on their employees and their performances. Culture is the core which will help and encourage all different level workers. If the core itself is weak, it will weaken the atmosphere of the business. Many companies announce that they have great culture but fail to implement to the lower level of workers. The basic issue is when organization has one set of culture and thinks one culture will meet the needs of all the workers. Each business is different and each individual is unique and have different beliefs and behaviors. The culture that is right for one individual might not work the same for the others. The ideal approach in this case would be, looking at the bigger picture of diverse working environment and give importance and respect to what are the ranges of business firms to achieve the perfect culture for organization. Sometimes one size fits all will not going to fit anybody, so the organization have to keep their ideas open and value everyone’s presence respecting all of their culture for the betterment and
McKeown, J. (2002) states that, “Effective retention begins before the hire- in tour recruitment literature, of course, but also in corporate and product literature, advertisements (for recruitment and for sales), press releases, product branding, company image, management reputation, and a myriad of other messages that your organization puts out into the marketplace about what it is, what it does, and how it does it.” (p.20). It is well known that in order for companies to gain that competitive edge they need to offer something that the other companies in their market are not offering in order to attract and retain top talent. The second way is by helping the company raise morale and job satisfaction. WorldatWork (2007) notes that according to a 2004 Overworked in America Study, that employees were less likely to feel overwhelmed if they had jobs that afforded them the chance to continue their education.
Corporate culture is the shared values and meanings that members hold in common and that are practiced by an organization’s leaders. Corporate culture is a powerful force that affects individuals in very real ways. In this paper I will explain the concept of corporate culture, apply the concept towards my employer, and analyze the validity of this concept. Research As Sackmann's Iceberg model demonstrates, culture is a series of visible and invisible characteristics that influence the behavior of members of organizations. Organizational and corporate cultures are formal and informal. They can be studied by observation, by listening and interacting with people in the culture, by reading what the company says about its own culture, by understanding career path progressions, and by observing stories about the company. As R. Solomon stated, “Corporate culture is related to ethics through the values and leadership styles that the leaders practice; the company model, the rituals and symbols that organizations value, and the way organizational executives and members communicate among themselves and with stakeholders. As a culture, the corporation defines not only jobs and roles; it also sets goals and establishes what counts as success” (Solomon, 1997, p.138). Corporate values are used to define corporate culture and drive operations found in “strong” corporate cultures. Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, and Bonar Group, the engineering firm I work for, all exemplify “strong” cultures. They all have a shared philosophy, they value the importance of people, they all have heroes that symbolize the success of the company, and they celebrate rituals, which provide opportunities for caring and sharing, for developing a spiri...
If you ask 5 different leaders what employee retentions is you may come ups with 5 different responses. Employee retention first began to appear in the 1970s and 1980s. Before that time the relationship between employer and employee was very simple. “You come work for me, do a good job, conditions allow, I will continue to employee you.” (McKeown, 2002, pg. 4). Simple right? The practice of employment before the 1970s was that you entered into the job market and remained with one employer for the duration of your career. As time changed so did the job market, in the 1970s and later, as job mobility and voluntary job changes began to increase, employers found themselves with a new phenomenon to consider: employee turnover (McKeown, 2002, pg. 5). Employee retention became a management tool to counteract the rise of employee
Shaping a culture is a difficult task, because many of the valuable qualities a leader might have are never taught in a classroom. These qualities can be learned through out a life of experiences. Emotional development, genuineness, and a strong character are all essential qualities if leadership in a culture-driven company is to be effective. This analysis will discuss the relationship between a successful leader and the organization cultural change in today’s business.