Cuckoo's Nest Freedom Theme

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest explores the idea of what it is like to be free or confined and most importantly on what basis can one define what does freedom stands for, in the view of any individual. One of the novel’s most important feature is that the psych ward, Nurse Ratched, and all the other people looking after the patients in the asylum who are portrayed as tools of “sanity” in the novel are, in fact, insane in their own way. For them the meaning of freedom should be unknown to the patients and they shall be the one confining them to the boundaries of freedom as known by them. This question of what should be the judging aspect of freedom and confinement becomes more relevant with the arrival of Randle McMurphy to the ward, a highly likely gambler who with all the possibility may have faked psychosis and pretended to be mentally unstable to get relocated to the asylum from a work camp. . The most easily noticable themes is that of freedom and confinement discussed through the characters in the novel. Many types of freedoms are addressed ranging from the substantial and concrete to the conscious and implicit. The setting mainly takes place in a mental asylum on a locked ward which curbs the characters’ freedom physically. The characters are constantly pushed and degraded by the antagonist Ms. Ratched which
Her technique is so perfectly functional that the men in the asylum try their hardest to please her to the goodness of each other which ultimately leads to the betterment of their own selves. She constantly manages to keep the men in a position where they believe they are dependent upon her and the hospitals help. Sex is used as a tool of total freedom in the novel. Mc Murphy is the one who is seen exercising over it the most who, through his general behaviour and newness to the hospital, is seen to be the most free, sexually, more than any of the

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