Crystallographer: A Brief Biography Of Rosalind Franklin

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Rosalind Franklin was a very hard working lady, she was an English chemist and a X-ray crystallographer. She would do anything to find how DNA looked and how DNA worked. Apparently nobody knew how it worked or looked so she was going to try to discover how. When they discovered that Rosalind Franklin was a woman trying to figure out DNA they laughed and picked at her. Franklin was definitely a lone wolf she didn't have that many friends considering everyone thought she was crazy. She wasn’t accepted as much because the men expected that women should only be housewives back then. She was invited to a party that the men, Watson,Crick, and Wilkins, had threw. She was also was accepted when she started hanging out with Wilkins. Franklin was educated at a private day school at Norland Place in England. Franklin passed her matriculation at age …show more content…

Franklin is best known for the work of her on the X-ray diffraction images of DNA. Which led to the discovery of the double helix. Franklin’s X-ray images were shown to Watson by Wilkins. Before Franklin could figure the whole DNA thing Watson and Crick had come along and figured it out while Franklin had moved back to England where she stayed there until she died. She died of ovarian cancer at age 37. Some people thought she might have killed herself over depression of not finding out the DNA. Personally I don't think that she would have done that because she didn't seem too depressed when she didn't find the secret of DNA. Franklin was a very smart and determined woman, I think many other woman thought she was crazy for what she was doing. Some might have even believed that she wasn't in her right mind either. All I have to say is that Rosalind Franklin was a amazing woman who seemed very determined and dedicated to her work, like she just wasn't doing this just for herself but for another reason that no one would or will ever find

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