Crocodiles Essay

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Crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles located throughout Africa, Australia, Asia, and even more places, and are heavily poached for their skin and meat. They are considered dangerous to most humans for there violence and are endangered species in certain areas because of the constant poaching. Pollution is not a factor for these animals because there is so little pollution in the areas that they are commonly found, the only reason they are endangered at all is because of humans.

A crocodile appears as a fierce predator and its appearance is no lie. Crocodiles are violent carnivores and there physical traits help it be successful in its hunting. They are aquatic creatures built for the predator lifestyle. There bodies are designed to swim quickly as they are able to tuck in there feet and cut through the water with little resistance. There feet are also webbed and although are not used to gain speed they are used to make quick changes in directions or sudden moves. There feet are also an advantage in shallow water where they will typically walk. They also have a thick layer of tissue around the mouth that prevents water from entering while they dive down. Crocodiles unlike many reptiles lack a certain characteristic that most have, they do not have the ability to stick out their tongue. This is caused by the membrane that holds there tongue in place giving it little movement. The skin under there bellies and sides is smooth and fragile unlike the rest of their body. On the dorsal side the skin is very thick and rugged and in some parts rather sharp, this gives them a layer of protection. There are pores and capillaries in between the scales that provide feeling and gives them the ability to know hot from cold. Crocodiles produc...

... middle of paper ... protected in many parts of the world there skin is still commercialized to make leather items such as shoes, bags, belts, and wallets. Their meat is also considered a delicacy to many Asian people. After 25 years of legal protection the crocodiles have increased their population by a large quantity. The incentive to poach these creatures is very high with items as small as wallets selling for 3 thousand dollars and briefcases selling for almost 10 thousand. Crocodiles have a huge role to play in nature itself and should not be murdered for their skin. If people really calculated the role they play in ecology they are worth more alive then dead.

In the end Crocodiles are very unique creatures that are dangerous but are made to be in the wild and not messed with by humans. They are beautiful animals and are no danger to humans any more than humans are to them.

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