Critical Social Work Essay

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The dictionary definition of the term critical refers to the holding of the view that something is bad or not pleasing, the giving analysis or judgment of plays or books, essential or severe. Those meanings would however not fit in the political use of the term critical social work, and it is imperative to understand the real meaning and application. In the context of social work, the terms critical social work emanated from the adoption of the critical theory which is a philosophical and sociological theory emerging from the school of social thinkers in Germany’s Frankfurt school. From the origins of the term, therefore, the emphasis of the term is not on the dictionary understanding but the sociological application. Two themes emerge from …show more content…

The social dysfunctions emanating from the politics of privilege and disproportionate distribution of resources brings about diseases, unemployment, homelessness, marginalization, substance abuse, incarcerations and lack of access to critical services in the community. A society with critically conscious social workers would not turn a blind eye when systems are falling, and the people are consumed in matters that would entrench divisions. Structural inequality is one way that results in imbalances in countries and social norms if maintained around such structures aggravate the problems (Sakamoto, 2005). Marginalization of certain groups in the society is almost a defining aspect of the history of any nation with some groups unable to access the same opportunities regarded as the preserve of the more fortunate in the community. The marginalization may be explicit or implicit with failure to be recognized defining some of the society’s problems. Some of the explicit marginalization include when laws determine different levels of application barring some communities from accessing some services. Implicit marginalization is harder to counter as social workers are often faced with denials and lack of acceptance of the

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