Critical Response: Simon Sinek's 'Millennials'

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Essay 1—Critical Response Simon Sinek is a British-American author, motivational speaker, and marketing consultant. During an interview, Simon address “the millennial question” in which he stresses some key points about this generation (Millennials). Although Simon Sinek persuasively describes the way millennials are addicted to social media and technology, as well as their erroneous instant gratification expectations, he fails generalizing a whole generation assuming they all were raise the same way and justifying their lack of social skills. Simon Sinek argues that millennials aren’t happy at their work mainly because of four points: Failed parenting strategies Most millennials grew up with a distorted idea of life. They believe that no matter …show more content…

Being addicted to dopamine (in our cell phones) has the same effect on a person smoking or drinking, it is highly addictive. Dopamine could affect millennials whenever they feel people do not like them anymore when they start counting likes and post the “amazing” life they have. So, now the whole generation is addicted to the dopamine produced by cell phones in addition to the stressful and anxious period of …show more content…

Simon Sinek argues that organization leaders must commit to build millennials’ social skills and make them feel comfortable in their job. Although this may be true I disagree with Simon because even though it is important for an organization to support their workers, millennials must do something themselves to solve their problem. Self-esteem is gained when a person feels comfortable with themselves, therefore, the only people that can help millennials gain self-esteem is

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