Critical Analysis Of The Poisonwood Bible

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Nick Gravinese
Miss Given
Honors English 11
5 February 2018
Poisonwood Bible Response 3
The Poisonwood Bible ultimately says that the reason humans tell stories is to allow them to evolve and grow by taking in different experiences. When Orleana says,“To live is to change, to acquire the words of a story” it presents the whole concepts of one’s life changes once they hear a certain story (385). When someone hears a powerful enough story, it can change their perception of their life and lead them down a different path. Adah is talking about her mom and says,“My life: what I stole from history and how I live with it” which establishes the concept that the past determines the present of life (492). Without the past, humans could not realize …show more content…

The final chapter of the Poisonwood bible is essentially reflection period everything that took place throughout the novel. The final chapter emphasizes the whole concept of how storytelling influences one to recollect on their past and learn from it. The first chapter,“ruin”, establishes that there will be dark elements within the novel. However, the last chapter acts as if it, in a sense,”rebuilds” the ruins. The final chapter is a reflection moment for many characters such as: Orleanna, Adah and Leah,. They all cope with their past and learn from them. The element of storytelling has allowed many to understand their past and better themselves. At first, the okapi was meant to represent dangers of the Congo. However, its meaning transforms into something that symbolizes how some small events may have large and unexpected outcomes. Orleanna simply meeting the okapi prevents it from being shot. This events emphasizes the fact that important outcomes may resolve from seemingly unimportant …show more content…

Their religion is what caused them to embark on a Christian missionary trip to the Congo. Nathan’s obsession with pleasing God results in many negative things. Nathan’s obsession with his religion lead to him abusing his family, the deaths of innocent children, the destruction of the Price family, him essentially losing his mind and ultimately, his death. However, the novel can be read as a political allegory as well. Leah became very successful by focusing more on facts and science, rather than supernatural elements. The Congo represents what happens when one gains too much political power. Belgium grants the Congo freedom but they are unable to handle themselves. They are clearly incapable of the responsibly of dealing that much power at once. with the situation. However, this situation can be viewed as a religious allegory. One can consider that Belgium represents a god holding power over the Congo. Once they give the Congo power of their own, they have no idea how to control it. This can be directly related to how some religions rely too heavily on their god(s). They will just keep praying and spreading word for things to become better. Instead they should just start doing things for themselves, instead of presuming that a higher power will always be there to help them. I do not agree with the notion that all humans are

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