Critical Analysis Of Girl Interrupted

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Girl, Interrupted “Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life is… Crazy isn’t being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It’s you or me amplified.” The studies of mental health and psychology have improved greatly since the late 1960’s, but some could argue that there are still many disorders we do not understand. This movie envelopes the problems and treatment of patients during this era. Not only in a time of economic and racial disturbance, but the stereotypes and inequality for women were exemplified during this motion picture. In this award-winning film, we meet Suzanna Kaysen, a girl right out of high school with severe depression. We discover that she downed a whole bottle of Aspirin chased by a bottle of Vodka. Suzanna then talks to a …show more content…

Polly had a brief moment of self-hatred and was sent to the padded cell where she is crying hysterically. Suzanna has the idea to sing to her with a guitar from the art room with Lisa. The orderly tries to convince them to go back to their rooms, but Suzanna uses the fact that he likes her to manipulate him and he stay’s with her all night. In the morning, all three of them wake up to Valerie (the head nurse) and Suzanna runs to her room. After Suzanna is written up, the orderly is transferred to the men’s ward, and Lisa has been missing for some time. We soon find out that Lisa was in another ward having shock therapy performed on her. This method is extremely unacceptable for modern psychology, and would not be used …show more content…

We learn in the movie that Suzanna is diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. One of the symptoms includes compulsive promiscuity. Tobey was brought in the beginning of the story as one of the men she had sex with. They barely knew each other and not much was discussed between the two characters, but they had a brief conversation about the war. Tobey says how the world is so mismanaged that “If some draft zombie pulls [his] name out of a barrel, [he’s] going to die”; Suzanna asks him when his birthday is, and he replies “December 30th”. While in the hospital, Suzanna had seen his Birthdate called, on the television, to be drafted. In the following week, he show’s up expecting her to leave with him for Canada. Suzanna is reluctant to leave. She believes she is getting better and she is starting to enjoy the company of the other patients. Tobey thinks he can convince Suzanna to leave by minimizing her situation. He tells her that she is not like the others, that she’s not crazy. This is the first time Suzanna openly admits to attempting suicide. This scene shows that women are independent, and don’t need to look to a man for guidance. Suzanna speaks up and chooses to do what’s right for her mental health rather than run and avoid her problems like Tobey seems to be doing. That is what strength is; choosing the right decision even when it is not necessarily the choice you

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