Criminologists Vs Criminalists

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Criminologists and Criminalists

Criminologist oar different from criminalist even though many people think they are the same. Criminologist use behavioral science, they study the cause and control of criminal behaviors and link it to society and culture. Some examples of criminologists and what they analysis are the consequences of offences on the society, recidivism rates, and ho criminal behavior is effected by soci-economics. They do research with universities and other organizations, not in a laboratory or on a crime scene.
Criminalists use the physical evidence from crimes. Examples of evidence could be blood, DNA, ballistics, fingerprints, tissue samples, and residues. It is a very important job. They have to determine and separate evidence …show more content…

But criminologists are in a high demand in private sectors. There has been a rise of white-collar crimes. The private sector is run by private individuals or groups, usually as a member of enterprise for profit, and is not controlled by the State. The private sector is important to our economy. In criminology they are looking to reduce security hazards and come up with security solutions, stop fraud, legal researchers, and professors. Criminalists are needed in both private and public sectors. They collect all of the physical evidence and determine what evidence can build the case. Forensic science is always needed.
If I were a criminalist in either private or public sectors I would want to be a toxicologist. I have always been interested in the chemicals of the body and what outside chemicals can do to the outside and/or inside of the body. Chemistry has been one of my favorite sciences since I started school. Conduction experiments that can help determine a specific amount and kind of chemical that causes harm or a potential risk to a human, environment, and/or other living things is something that has been a dream of …show more content…

It shows law enforcement the sex, age, and the race of the person that is being arrested. With Part II it only shows the arrest and no other information on the person. The Part I crimes that classify as violent crimes are murder and non-negligent (willful) manslaughter (negligence, attempt to kill, assault to kill, suicides, and accidental death are not a part of the murder section), forcible rape, and aggravated assault. The Part I crimes that I Classify as property crimes are robbery, burglary (braking or entering), larceny, and motor vehicle theft (do not include motorboats, construction equipment, airplanes, and farming equipment). (Offense Definitions. Crime in the United States 2011. The FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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