Criminalization Of Homelessness Essay

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One specific human rights issue I find crucial to discuss is the criminalization of homelessness. Specifically in the U.S. today, there are countless laws and regulations that make it illegal to be homeless. For example, it is illegal in some cities to: beg in public, share food with the homeless, sleep in vehicles, sit or lie down in public, camp in public, or loiter. Of course, these laws are not equally defended, because I, as a middle-class white female could do all of these things without worry. That is because the laws are not put in place for the protection of the community or its individual members. This is clearly a human rights issue, as it violates several articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article seven says that “all are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.” For anyone who looks as if they could be homeless, this right is not protected. The law that prohibits people from sharing food with homeless people goes against their right to life (Article 1) and right to “ standard of living...including food” (Article 25.)
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today, homelessness is becoming illegal, so that cities can remove their homeless populations and increase the “status” or “prestige.” If a city has a larger population of homeless people, it can be given the stigma of being dirty, unsafe, or unattractive. While it is true that low income areas experience more violence, the solution is not to remove the low income people, but instead better their situation. There are recorded cases where police were told that as an alternative to ticketing a homeless person, they could give them a bus ticket out of town. The primary reason for these laws is so that cities with more appealing reputations get more visitors and, along with that more money. But, the deep seeded issues that lay behind these laws come from a long history of minority oppression, wealth inequality and economic

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