Crime Scene Investigator Research Paper

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Are you interested in joining the career path for criminal justice? How about extending your knowledge in crime scene investigation? A Criminal Scene Investigator also known as (CSI) has multiple of fields that can interest a person. Crime Investigator is a great learning environment. What is going to be discussed today is the job outlook, education, training, necessary skills and qualities, and salary.

A CSI are always in controlled environments which are based on training and education. Most Crime Scene Investigator “ first study and train as a police officer”. The experience and training “ let’s investigators who have spent time at crime scene move into the field of evidence collection or analysis”. The environments involve places such …show more content…

Based on the article “Steps to becoming a detective in Criminal Investigations” in order for a CSI to do his job they must have either a Major degree in forensics, Major degree in criminal justice, etc. These fields will most likely help the student/adult get a step closer to becoming a Crime Scene Investigator. As i mentioned before to enter CSI one must have two years of job experience as a police officer. “Many people without police training turn to college and universities for their education” (Hamilton 24). According to “Detective And Criminal Investigator Job, Salary, and School Information” Detectives and criminal investigators in public service environments do not require additional certification or licensing apart from their law enforcements badge. How do you get earn your badge? Detectives and investigators must meet certain standards of personal …show more content…

A CSI needs to have his basics done within the academy. For example the following are necessary patrol procedures and tactics, use of force, crime scene investigations, computer-based report writing, interviewing procedures, ethics, CPR and first aid. This information is provided by “ Steps to Becoming a Detective in Criminal Investigations”. Jobs that are within the department may require weapon recognition, blood stain and patterns, and fingerprinting. Each job that i just mentioned have a role in crime scene investigator. A Fingerprinting Analyst’s job “is to positively identify people by their fingerprints”. How would they do that well each finger shows a pattern such as lines or whorls on the pads of the person’s finger (Hamilton 24). Bloodstain Pattern Analyst job “is to provide a description of what happened based on the blood found, such as a spray pattern on a wall, or pools on a floor”. They analyze the crime scene and draw a picture of what happened. If the witness, victim or assailant is accurately described what took place (Hamilton

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