Crime Mapping And Crime Analysis

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Historically speaking from past to present, crime mapping is one of the old-fashioned method for crime analysis. Since last 100 years, crime mapping was already introduce, in fact, pusd pin map was one of the oldest method for crime mapping which pin represents as the location or crime map (Ratchliffe, J.H. ,2004), and continuously is still in used now by many law enforcement agencies (Boba, 2005). Actually, the early development of crime mapping was difficult at first, like translating knowledge from specialist researchers of geography to the petitioner environment of criminal justice practice, but the police agencies was one of agencies who interest of such strategy and they also became as one of the supporter for such method( Ratchliffe, …show more content…

In addition, some scholars said that crime mapping and crime analysis are identical; it could be a form individual level of analysis, which analyze only one subject matter and it could be also ecological analyses which analyze two or more subject matter (Erk et al., 2005). Law enforcement management (e.g. chief of police and street problem-solver) used crime mapping for spatiotemporal (space+time) analysis to support crime analysis. Law enforcement agencies are required to record all data pertaining to criminal-activities, particularly the spatial and temporal of such activities for various analyses from information which described by Harries (1999) as calls for service, crime reports, vehicular recoveries, field reports and external information sources. Calls for service are logged, which law enforcement agencies are call for their service by electronic device like phones. Spelman (1995) considered this as ‘’ demand for police services within …show more content…

Olligschlaeger Carnegie Mellon University, ‘’Spatiotemporal crime analysis in U.S. law enforcement agencies: Current practices and unmet needs’’ by Robert E. Rotha,, Kevin S. Ross, Benjamin G. Finch, Wei Luo, Alan M. MacEachren ‘’Free and Open Source Software for GIS education’’A White Paper by Dr. Ming-Hsiang Tsou and Jennifer Smith Department of Geography, San Diego State University:January 2011,‘’ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS AND CRIME MAPPING’’ by Andreas M. Olligschlaeger Carnegie Mellon

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