The Importance of Risk Analysis in Credit Evaluation
Credit risk insinuates a probable risk whereby the counterparty of a loan agreement is most probable to be unsuccessful in meeting its engagement as per the initial loan agreement which might ultimately default on the obligation. The main aim of credit risk management is to maximize a bank’s risk adjusted rate and preserve credit risk exposure with satisfying parameters. Moreover, banks require to maintain credit risk innate in the entire portfolio and also the risk in personal credits or transactions. The relationship between credit risk and other risks should be pondered by the banks and also the efficient management of credit risk is a primordial component of an understanding approach
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Therefore, this should be conducted in a certain information assemblage whereby the more significant information you acquire, the better it is.
• Evaluate the risks
Here, the risks should be appraised to how and to what level it will impact on the operations of the business in question. The business risk normally considers the standard and the effectiveness of the assets. The performance risk influences the income statement analysis whereby the financial risk influences the liabilities that are capitalize by the assets.
• Mitigate the
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The banks should also check internal sources such as the credits files of any previous or current borrowing, the current account activity and external sources such as, the relationship of other banks with the client, Credit Information Bureau Database and Payment Incident Bureau Database.
Sources of Credit information
There are few ways of acquiring information and to require the making of credits down to a systematic way and scientific basis. The different ways are, the Mercantile agencies, reports from the trade, reports from the salesmen, report from local banks or attorneys.
Mercantile Agencies
The mercantile agency is normally a report created by a firm or a company whereby the agency conduct various searches on different companies and provides credit ratings. It mainly concentrates on the credit valuation side of the business. The past experience will give a degree of accuracy and precise the accuracy of the report which will lead to an extra incentive to keep its financial record clean
Due to this, the confirmation process has become of high risk. Third party intermediaries have been established to assist in this process by securely transmitting information to the bank and validating the authenticity of the respondent. The use of third-party intermediaries makes it more difficult for anyone to alter confirmation requests. There are risks that come with the use of third party intermediaries because the intermediary’s control weaknesses or deficiencies fall on the auditors as well when relying on confirmations received through them. Auditors must assess that the intermediary’s system of internal control has been designed and is operating effectively to meet the PCAOB
Electronic confirmations are often used to verify bank balances, but they can also assist in the verification of a company’s vendors. Therefore, I am going to request confirmations from Wayland Manufacturing Company’s vendors after the client accepts my request. The electronic confirmations will prove each vendor’s existence as well as the accuracy of the accounts payable subsidiary ledger balances. Evidence collected from third-party sources must remain confidential and I maintain my integrity by only seeking evidence I am authorized to review. If I decide to request Cash electronic confirmations without consent, I am violating integrity, confidentiality, and professional due care (AU Section 330-The Confirmation Process 1998) (Arens, Elder, & Borsum 2013) (AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
For example in Japan, when the clients send the credits proposal, one of crew in the commercial bank will come to the client’s home as the guess and not showing the real identity or they might used different legal identity, in order to search the information of the client and looking for the truth of the data that have been send to the bank as the credits proposal. If all of the data is true, the banks will considered whether the proposal accepted or rejected, and if the data is not true, automaticaly the credit proposal will rejected by the banks. (Japan, 2016)
Accuracy: All Purchases are authorized at the appropriate level. All invoices prices and quantities are compared with purchase orders and receiving reports. Journal entries are review at the appropriate level. All the Financial statements are review and approved by the senior level.
Identify the potential risks which affect the company and manage these risks within its risk appetite;
Having the business know what the purpose of the information is another way if you have specific details of what and why the information is needed then you can get an overview of the type of information required for example if a business asks you to gather information on computers then you know that you know not to gather information about something else only information that is related to computers would be gathered.
...el such as: purpose of the loan, maturity of the security pledged, the history of the client with the company and the unique characteristics that the bank’s customers might have. to Appendix Figure 1, 2). The company promises the honesty in -recording of transactions of the financial related things
No firm can be a success without some form of risk management. Risk are the uncertainty in investments requiring an assessment. Risk assessment is a structured and systematic procedure, which is dependent upon the correct identification of hazards and an appropriate assessment of risks arising from them, with a view to making inter-risk comparisons for purposes of their control and avoidance (Nikolić and Ružić-Dimitrijevi, 2009). ERM is a practice that firms implement to manage risks and provide opportunities. ERM is a framework of identifying, evaluating, responding, and monitoring risks that hinder a firm’s objectives. The following paper is a comparison and evaluation to recommended practices for risk manage using article “Risk Leverage
These risks will have material effect on the organisation 's ability to sustain its business and operational goals and objectives.
... work the banks and other financial institutions would also be required to have a system of reporting. If these reports consist of all the necessary information to predict a future crisis or imprudent behaviour in the banks then procedure can be put in place to guide the banks into the appropriate approach.
All accounting reports are shared by all levels of accounting managers. The management of the information which at the accounting department is one of the most important factors in determines the effectiveness and efficiency of the department. The information that gathers included the invoice, account document, payment, draft, banking document and etc. It is important to ensure the validity and the accuracy of the information that provided to the department.
In Management, the accountant gives advices to the individuals and business people, how to manage their business. The account information is considered and some business decisions are taken in both financial and non-financial departments. Budgeting, tax filing, and financial statements. Other activities like involve in planning com...
A variety of groups are concerned in bank profitability for various reasons. The bank shareholders would want to know if the value of their investments is high or low. The investors also use current and past performance to predict future price of the banks’ shares traded on the stock exchanged. The management of the bank as trustee of the shareholders is evaluated and compensated on the basis of how well their decisions and planning have contributed to growth in assets and profits of their banks. Employees of bank also are concerned with profits, since their salaries and promotions are frequently tied to the profitability performance of their banks. Depositors use bank performance and profitability as indicators of security for their deposits in the banks. Finally, business community and general public are concerned about their banks’ performance to the extent that their economic prosperity is linked to the success or failure of their banks.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach is the initial effort to appreciate the linkages between risks and the handling of risks across all business processes (Institute of Management Accountants, 2011). The all-inclusive approach that is characteristic of the modern trend of risk management, which some text refers to as enterprise-wide risk management, enterprise risk management (ERM), strategic risk management, or integrated risk management, has the intention of dealing with insecurity for the organization through creation, protection, and enhancement of shareholder value by the management of uncertainties that could negatively impact