Missing Links
Many people in the world have claimed to find these missing links between animal and man. These finds are said to support evolution, but in turn all they do is put evolution down. Several examples of missing links are, Piltdown man, Neanderthal man, Australopithecus, and Homo Erectus. All of these missing links have been proven false, and as hoaxes. One point for creation.
Shrinking Sun
Scientist today have noticed something about our sun. The sun seems to be shrinking. Based on this information scientists can actually measure how much the sun has shrunk. This means that they can tell how big the sun would have been at any certain time. So take the argument from evolutionists that the earth is billions of years old. When scientists calculate this, the sun would have swallowed the earth. One more point for creation.
Moon Dust
Scientists have also found something as a result of our travels to the moon. They have noticed that the moon collects dust from outer space. They have found the rate at which the dust accumulates on the moon. So they now can tell that the moon is relatively young, because if it were billions of years old there would be a lot more dust on the moon than there is right now. Evolutionists have slipped up and said that the earth and moon are about the same age. So this pushes them into a corner once again. Creation three, Evolution zero.
Magnetic Field
Scientists have realized that the magnetic poles loose strength every so often. They know the rate in which the magnetic strength decays, so they now can predict what it used to have been at any given point in time. So the said what if the earth was billions of years old, what would the magnetic field look like. Well it would be so strong that we would suck almost everything into us, somewhat like the sun. Once again Creation is greater than Evolution.
There was a Dutchman named Hugo DeVries who found something interesting one day. He found a flower that had mutated. All of the Evolutionists went crazy over this and thought that this was their big breakthrough as to how life evolved. But scientists refute this claim because they can find no incident where a mutation is good. Every mutation that they have come across has hurt or damaged the organism. They describe a process called natural selection.
Biological evolution is a change in the characteristics of living organisms over generations (Scott, 2017). A basic mechanism of evolution, the genetic drift, and mutation is natural selection. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection is a process in nature in which only the organisms best adapted to their environmental surroundings have a higher chance of surviving and transmitting their genetic characters in increasing numbers to succeeding generations while those less adapted tend to be eliminated. There has been many experimental research projects that relate to the topic of natural selection and evolution.
Humans know or understand the theory of evolution and how they evolved from apes, but there is always talk of a missing link between apes and modern humans. Apes did not just suddenly evolve into modern day humans. Apes evolved into another species that fall into the relation of modern humans. This is what the missing link is referring to; we call the species hominins. Hominins comprised of many species actually, including but not limited to, Australopithecus afarensis and Homo erectus. Homo erectus may have been a direct descendant of modern Homo sapiens. These species hold strong evidence that they are the missing link between apes and modern humans. There are many pieces of evidence that lay the path of evolution from these species to modern humans, “…these include anatomy, living primate behavior, and genetic relationships” (Stanford, 237). Australopithecus afarensis comes first, existing about 3.9 to 2.9 million years ago, with intermediate anatomical traits between living apes and modern humans; their fossils were found in Africa (Yukimoto). About a million to two million years later, the species Homo erectus came into existence and lots of evidence has been found about this particular species, in fact, it was probable that it was the first species to leave Africa (Yukimoto). These species are significant in the evolution of modern humans. We do not have a clear path or even understand why these species emerged when they did or how they, in theory, eventually evolved into modern humans. We can only assume these things, by using various evolutionary processes such as natural selection, genetic bottleneck, and many more.
The arguments that many Young Earth Creationists make for their belief and against evolution are that fossils were created through the great Flood, the literal belief in Genesis, and that radiocarbon dating used in Evolution is too imprecise to prove that the Earth is older than 10,000 years.
years, and that it was created as it is now just six thousand years ago? Creationism should
Evolutionists often come with the argument that fossil findings can serve as a proof of the evolutionary process; bones of such creatures as dinosaurs, or the remains of even more ancient beings found by archaeologists are much older than the age of our world according to the Bible. Therefore, claim the evolutionists, creationists are wrong. Creationists, however, came up with a strong counter argument. They say that all fossil findings are already fully formed, and appear to have not changed much over time; in other words, they remained in a so-called stasis condition (Geological Society of America). This means that there are no intermediate links between simpler and more complex life forms, which witnesses in favor of the claim that each species had been created.
"Creation science" fails two important tests of science: it neither makes predictions nor makes claims that can be empirically verified. It simply makes proclamations by faith. Furthermore, creation scientists have yet to offer any scientific evidence that proves the case of creationism; their efforts are almost entirely spent critiquing apparent contradictions within evolution. Finally, the scientific credentials of the creation scientists are what we might charitably describe as suspicious.
Darwinism, the theory of evolution, is a controversial theory that is still being contemplated today. Before the 19th century scientist were puzzled by the idea of where humans, plants, and animals originated. In the late 1700s the question was first tried by a group of scientist, but they were not successful. It was not until a young Charles Darwin found interest in the subject that the discovery was finally able to become a theory. His observations led to his theory of evolution by natural selection. Although, it was a new discovery that shocked so many, Darwin and his accomplices did not realize how significant their newfound theory was. ~~~~
Natural selection is simple yet complex process that allows species adapt to its environment. Natural selection guides evolution by “sifting out” favorable traits that increase survival for the species. Natural selection is driven by reproductive success. If a species can reproduce and its offspring survive than any traits in its genotype that assisted in its survival will be passed on from generation to generation and ensure that the species will live on. Around the time the Theory of Evolution was suggested, society was very religious and very pressed on the Theory of Creation, so the publication of Darwin’s The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection caused a lot of controversy. Darwin gave the world strong evidence that natural selection and evolution played a major role in the development of the species that we see today. Of course natural selection is not the only process driving evolution. In order for natural selection to happen, the species has to have genetic variation. Genetic variation happens because of mutations and recombination of genes. Other processes that contribute are gene flow and genetic
Have you ever just sat and thought to yourself how the universe was created also what it took to create the planets and living organisms. I am explaining the definition of “Evolution” as defined by the scientist Charles Darwin. “The process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Changes that allow an organism to better adapt to it’s environment will help it survive and produce offspring.” Theory of Evolution which was first formulated in his book titled “On the Origin of Species” in the year 1859.
Monastersky, Richard. (2004). Society Disowns Paper Attacking Darwinism. The Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol. 51, Iss. 5, A.16.
... If it is a beneficial mutation, then it will likely not only pass on through reproduction, but those offspring will have better odds of reproducing in order to “spread” that trait onto future offspring. This is the process of natural selection. If there are enough changes, or the change is drastic enough, a new species can evolve. So, evolution comes about as a result of changes to DNA, and some of those changes to DNA can come from external factors such as environment, climate, and culture.
Talking on both sides of the debate, each side feels as though the other has no scientific reasoning come up with their theory. In reading the article written by Shipman, the evolutionists believe that intelligent design has no concrete evidence on how the world was crea...
Mutation happens when the DNA gene gets changed, moves, or is damaged. When this happens it causes the genetic message to be carried by that gene to be different. This process can occur in somatic cells. The somatic cells are all the cells that are a living organism except the reproductive cells, meaning the body. For example, the skin cells on your legs are and will not be passed on to ones offsprings. In addition those leg cells will not effect the evolution. Another occurrence is called gametic mutations, which is in a woman's eggs and or in a man's sperm. These are cells that are and can be passed on to ones offsprings, and they are the essentials for the evolution. There are three effects mutation causes to a species. Species can only takes on one of the three. The three effects are bad, neutral, and good. Having a bad mutation can cause one to have a harder time being able to survive. Having a neutral mutation will not change or help one to survive. Having a good mutation will help one to survive and have a better chance of survival. However, mutation is random in the evolution, and provides raw material for natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow...
First of all, archaeologists also use radioactivity to determine the ages of fossils through a process called radiocarbon dating. Carbon can be found in all living things as a small percentage, carbon-14. But when a living thing dies, the carbon-14 accumulated would begin a process of radioactive decay; resulting in an older object consisting less radioactivity than a newer object. And so, by measuring this difference, archaeologists are able to determine the object’s approximate age. Due to the discovery of this technique, there has been much conflict to the re-evaluation of many in churches about the biblical creation account. Radiocarbon dating is reliable method that can date up to around 50,000 to 60,000 years. If this claim...
Another mechanism is a hereditable type of evolution is mutations. Mutations are alterations to a gene. Mutation can be harmful, beneficial or neutral. Mutations are the origin of the source of genetic diversity (9).Mutation that are harmful, hinders the chances of the organism chances of survival and are likely to die along with the mutations. Beneficial mutations increase the chances of the individual to survive in its environment, and they will be more likely to reproduce and pass on the gene to future generations (9).