Natural Selection In Kangaroo Rats

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Biological evolution is a change in the characteristics of living organisms over generations (Scott, 2017). A basic mechanism of evolution, the genetic drift, and mutation is natural selection. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection is a process in nature in which only the organisms best adapted to their environmental surroundings have a higher chance of surviving and transmitting their genetic characters in increasing numbers to succeeding generations while those less adapted tend to be eliminated. There has been many experimental research projects that relate to the topic of natural selection and evolution.
For example, Spoelstra, Wikelski, Daan, Loudon, Hau, and Affiliations (2015) reviewed how mice had to undergo natural …show more content…

These scientists reviewed the natural space-use patterns and hippocampal size in kangaroo rats after undergoing evolution by natural selection. The size of the hippocampus, a forebrain structure that processes spatial information, correlates with the need to relocate food caches by passerine birds and with sex-specific patterns of space use in microtine rodents. The influences on hippocampal anatomy of sexual selection within species, and natural selection between species, have not yet been studied in concert, however. Here we report that natural space-use patterns predict hippocampal size within and between two species of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys). Differences in foraging behavior suggest that Merriam''s kangaroo rats (D. merriami) require better spatial abilities than bannertail kangaroo rats (D. spectabilis). Sex-specific differences in mating strategy suggest that males of both species require more spatial ability than females. As predicted, hippocampal size (relative to brain size) is larger in Merriam''s than in bannertail kangaroo rats, and males have larger hippocampi than females in both species. Males of a third species (D. ordii) also have smaller hippocampi than Merriam’s kangaroo rat males, despite being similar to Merriam''s in brain and body size. These results suggest that both natural and sexual selection affect the relative size and perhaps function of mammalian hippocampus. They also reassert that measures of functional subunits of the brain reveal more about brain evolution than measures of total brain

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