Counselling Session Essay

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This assignment was conducted with myself as the counsellor and Olivia, a fellow classmate, as the client. A fifteen minute counselling session occurred and was recorded, in order for students to be able to critically analyze their counselling skills. Olivia felt the need to talk with a counsellor due to the pressure she is experiencing trying to fit all of her commitments into her weekly schedule. Olivia is currently struggling with splitting her time between her family, friends, school, and new fitness goals. Throughout this counselling session various techniques were used in the beginning stage, action stage and ending stage of the counselling session. These techniques were used throughout these stages of counselling to gain information …show more content…

The first step during this process is identifying alternatives. It is important for clients to complete this step in order to exhaust all options before deciding on the best. We discussed finding alternate times to include her new fitness schedule in without affecting her other activities. As well as the client utilizing the small blocks of time she already has in between tasks. “Um well I usually do homework at the kitchen counter, cause like to bounce ideas of my parents anyway so usually um, I’ll just leave my stuff for a little bit and if there watching T.V. sit down with them for ten or fifteen minutes and watch T.V with them and then set like a time that I’m going to go back, to do another half an hour of homework again before taking another little break so it’s not like, all the time.” (Olivia). This ten to fifteen minutes of time, is an example of a smaller time block the client has available to her and can utilize. Having various options when facing a problem can help stop clients from rushing into decisions they may later regret. The second step in the problem solving process is too choose an action strategy. “When there is choice, clients can make more rational decisions” (Shebib, pg 261). My client completed this step by running through various times when she could take advantage of her smaller blocks of …show more content…

Olivia as the client, was feeling overwhelmed due to having responsibilities in many separate aspects of her life. Including but not limited to her school, family, friends and new fitness goals. As the counsellor I aimed to help the client come up with a strategy that would not only incorporate all of her responsibilities but allow time to take for herself as well. Doing so, will greatly reduce Olivia’s stress. In order to implement a plan I used multiple techniques to acquire information and insight about the client, as well as her present situation. Throughout the phases of counselling I used the problem solving process, this will help the client manage and save her time. I also exhibited exploring and probing to gain insight about client. Various types of questions were also used including, open-ended questions, close-ended questions and coping questions. I also used the technique of empowering the client to make a change. I accomplished this by highlighting the client’s resources she already obtains. Completing this assignment allowed me to analyze my strengths, along with also allowing me to see the areas that need improvement including leading and advice giving. Overall this assignment allowed me to critically analyze my clinical practice and how far I have come since first beginning at Georgian

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