This assignment was conducted with myself as the counsellor and Olivia, a fellow classmate, as the client. A fifteen minute counselling session occurred and was recorded, in order for students to be able to critically analyze their counselling skills. Olivia felt the need to talk with a counsellor due to the pressure she is experiencing trying to fit all of her commitments into her weekly schedule. Olivia is currently struggling with splitting her time between her family, friends, school, and new fitness goals. Throughout this counselling session various techniques were used in the beginning stage, action stage and ending stage of the counselling session. These techniques were used throughout these stages of counselling to gain information …show more content…
The first step during this process is identifying alternatives. It is important for clients to complete this step in order to exhaust all options before deciding on the best. We discussed finding alternate times to include her new fitness schedule in without affecting her other activities. As well as the client utilizing the small blocks of time she already has in between tasks. “Um well I usually do homework at the kitchen counter, cause like to bounce ideas of my parents anyway so usually um, I’ll just leave my stuff for a little bit and if there watching T.V. sit down with them for ten or fifteen minutes and watch T.V with them and then set like a time that I’m going to go back, to do another half an hour of homework again before taking another little break so it’s not like, all the time.” (Olivia). This ten to fifteen minutes of time, is an example of a smaller time block the client has available to her and can utilize. Having various options when facing a problem can help stop clients from rushing into decisions they may later regret. The second step in the problem solving process is too choose an action strategy. “When there is choice, clients can make more rational decisions” (Shebib, pg 261). My client completed this step by running through various times when she could take advantage of her smaller blocks of …show more content…
Olivia as the client, was feeling overwhelmed due to having responsibilities in many separate aspects of her life. Including but not limited to her school, family, friends and new fitness goals. As the counsellor I aimed to help the client come up with a strategy that would not only incorporate all of her responsibilities but allow time to take for herself as well. Doing so, will greatly reduce Olivia’s stress. In order to implement a plan I used multiple techniques to acquire information and insight about the client, as well as her present situation. Throughout the phases of counselling I used the problem solving process, this will help the client manage and save her time. I also exhibited exploring and probing to gain insight about client. Various types of questions were also used including, open-ended questions, close-ended questions and coping questions. I also used the technique of empowering the client to make a change. I accomplished this by highlighting the client’s resources she already obtains. Completing this assignment allowed me to analyze my strengths, along with also allowing me to see the areas that need improvement including leading and advice giving. Overall this assignment allowed me to critically analyze my clinical practice and how far I have come since first beginning at Georgian
Formulation of Problem/Needs: The client 's presenting problems are caused by her mother’s emotional verbal abuse. In spite of all, her emotional problems Ana maintains a positive outlook towards her future. Ana demonstrates self-determination as she clearly expresses her current issues. She struggles with overeating because she feels unloved and worthless. Ana is seeking services to overcome the resentment she feels towards her mother. She is requesting help to manage her coping skills and reduce her feelings of depression. According to Ana these feelings started at a young age. Ana’s current challenges are learning to cope with her mother’s verbal abuse. Anna will arrange monthly meetings with her social worker to talk about what methods she’s used to coping with her depression. Ana agrees that she needs to find positive away to communicate with her mother. Ana also stays that she wants to learn to be selfish and break free from the traditional stereotypical life of East LA. Ana would like to begin addressing the following
During the rehab process, patients receive much more than therapy and counselling. They learn a lot about addiction and what it takes to stay on the path of recovery. In many cases, they also learn the value of having one or more support groups. For many years now, counselors have placed a great deal of value on promoting the idea of "one addict helping another addict." In fact, who would know more about the recovery process than someone who has successfully lived it?
The counseling session should be centered on the client and their understanding of their world and/or problems not heavily weighted on the counselor interpretation of the client’s situation. The role of the counselor is to examine a problem needs changing and discover options in overcoming their problem. Bringing about change can help change the client’s narrative on their problem in the future and/or on life in the process.
There are multiple structures of that can be applied to the counselling process, ranging from the basic idea of a beginning, middle and end to a more structured approach as that proposed by Egan (1994). Although his initial structure offered three main components; Stage 1, exploring the situation, stage 2, identifying a new or desired scenario to strive for and stage 3, the action stage, in which methods of coping are devised of and implemented. Egan later devised a ten stage structure that still takes into account initial stages from the speakers perspective of identifying a problem and seeking help, within this structure stage 4 is the initial meeting of the counsellor and client and can be considered the beginning stage of the helping re...
The counselor accomplishes the above by expressing empathy, developing discrepancies, going along with resistance and supporting self-efficacy. Moreover, the counselor guides the client toward a solution that will lead to permanent posi...
After identify the problems that faced by Riley, we found that the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most suitable therapy to guide Riley for achieving the outcome goals. There are some objectives of Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which to help a person learn to recognize negative patterns of thought, evaluate their validity, and replace them with rational thinking. CBT emphasises on helping an individual to manage his or her problems by changing the way his or her think and behave. That means it is useful to assist the clients change their undesired behaviours due to the dysfunctional thinking. Besides that, CBT more apply on the clients who suffer from depression and anxiety, but also can be useful for other mental and physical health problems such as eating disorders, insomnia, and panic disorder. In CBT, the counsellor and the client work collaboratively to agree on patterns of behaviour those need to be changed. The roles of counsellor are to listen, guide, and encourage, while the client's roles are to express concerns, practice, and make changes.
The Davis family is facing multiple problems and has difficulties meeting the emotional needs of its family members. Recent events/crisis and the stresses associated with these events resulted in feelings of anxiety and poor communication between family members. This further impacts the family’s coping ability. An appropriate nursing diagnoses for this family is: Interrupted family processes related to vulnerability and dysfunctional behavior of family members. Setting mutual goals and proper interventions can help this family achieve a positive outcome and ensure the family’s wellbeing.
People with depression often experience interpersonal problems. Family therapy for depression is a widely used intervention, but it is unclear whether this is an effective therapy for the treatment of depression.
This essay will attempt to highlight and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the three main theories of counselling within the module covered this term. The three approaches in discussion are psychodynamics, cognitive behavioural and humanistic.
I was really nervous about doing this first practice recording. While I knew how I wanted to start the conversation, I was stressed out about the unknown that comes along with these sessions. I am constantly listening to my friends talk, but how I had to respond for the counseling session was very different than what I am typically used to. I usually give my friends my opinions and advice on how I would handle the situation. It was hard for me to just sit back and let my classmate talk. I wanted to respond to many of her statements, but I had to take a step back and really just listen. In these types of counseling sessions my thoughts and opinions are not important. Rather, the focus should only be on the person you are counseling.
The counseling session began with the introductions where I introduced myself as the counselor and later introduced my client. This stage is important in any counseling session since it is the time of exploration and focusing according to Gerard Egan as quoted by Wright (1998) in his essay on couselling skills. It is in this session that I was able to establish rapport and trust with my client in order to come up with a working and fruitful relationship with him. During this stage I made use of skills like questioning, where I would pose a question directly to my client, sometimes I would choose to just listen to what the client wanted to speak out while in some instances I would be forced to paraphrase the question if I felt the client did not understand the question I had asked previously. There were also other times when I would reflect through silence. During such a period, I got time to study the client and the information he had given. This being a difficult area, since some clients may not be able to volunteer information to you as the counselor, I decided to assure the client of confidentiality of any information he was willing to share with me with a few exceptions which I also told him about. Being open to him about the only times the information may not be confidential was part of my building rapport and establishing trust with him. I therefore, decided to ask the client what information he wanted to share with me and lucky enough he was ready to speak to me about different issues that he was going through.
Mental health refers to the state of individuals psychologically, emotionally and socially. Mental health affects a person’s emotions, feelings, thoughts, and sections when exposed to different situations. Furthermore, mental health is responsible for a person’s reaction to stress and other social conditions. Generally, mental health affects how a person relates to others and their ability to understand and interact with them. Therefore, problems that affect a person’s mental health affect the abilities to socialize, their feelings, moods, reaction to situations. The person experiencing mental health problem may portray different behaviors when confronted with different issues. Mental health issues have several
One aspect I found striking was the role of advice giving in counseling. Prior to this class, I knew that counselors did not typically give opinions or advice to lead a client in a certain direction. What I did not know was the entire reasoning behind this. A counselor might avoid giving advice so that a client learns to make his/her own decisions, does not become dependent on the counselor, and to ensure that a client will not later blame the counselor if the counselor’s advice did not turn out well. In this context, I have a better appreciation and understanding of why therapists refrain from telling the client what to do.
Professional development deeps teachers understand of new teaching strategies or helps reinforce current teaching strategies. This is a time for teachers to grow as educators so they can help their students become more successful. When professional development is implemented correctly it can leave teacher feeling confident in their ability to implement new teaching techniques or it can leave teachers discourage and confused. Linda Darling-Hammond’s article discusses several different studies in professional development. These studies concluded that professional development that is given over several hours and throughout several months is more successful that professional development that is only given in a few hours and over a couple of days.
The following essay will look at what it takes to be an effective and professional counsellor through discussing what counselling is, its processes, the setting in which it is undertaken, the characteristics, necessary skills needed and the ethics involved in counselling.