Cost Of Education In Prisons

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The Education is a big topic in the Correctional system in our society today, the inmates that are incarcerated have low education and employment struggles. This is a concern for people, one way to fix this problem is the Education in the Canadian Correction System. It is important to help people that have been incarcerated with furthering their Education, to help them adapt into society and prevent them from committing a crime again. Discussing the benefits of education for inmates, the cost of Education, and the background in the correction system.
Approximately 60% of offenders have employment needs identified at intake to federal custody. Before prison, most are chronically under or unemployed (Sapers, 2015). In …show more content…

A study concluded that, assuming the average chronic offender committed 187 crimes a year a savings of 430 million could be made annually if these individuals were sentenced to lengthy periods of incarceration. (Goff, 2017). In 2015-2016 it cost an average of approximately $147,000 to maintain an offender in a CSC institution (CSC, 2017). Looking at these statistics, if you were to give these inmates the proper education they need to gain the proper skills to reintegrate back into society it would have big benefit in cost. When you think about Education Prices, they very between locations and if it is a college or university, for one year of education on average, undergraduate students paid $6,191 in tuition fees in 2015/2016 (StatCan, 2016). For Canadian citizens it is a reasonable price for an education, a student average tuition fees for international undergraduate students is $21,932 in 2015/2016 (StatCan, 2016). Now looking at the cost for a person to attend college or university is a reasonable price to pay to have an education. Looking at the cost of an inmate It costs about $13,000 per year to provide one institutional job, but only $7,500 to provide either education or vocational training for one inmate (CSC, 1996). The cost of education for an inmate would save the province or …show more content…

While in the Correction system, Individuals that had received proper Education have shown that it will reduce recidivism between 25% and 80%, with an average reduction of about 50%. (CSC, 1998). Research found that a $1 million investment in incarceration would prevent 350 crimes, while a $1 million investment in prison education would prevent more than 600 crimes (Chan, Chuen, & McLeod 2017). One other benefit is the money a person can save with education. Other Education programs that are offered in correction can help with the employability of the offenders and helping them rehabilitate back into society and have a chance to adapt properly and be able get a job in the community when they are released

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