Cost And Benefits Of Hosting The Olympics

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The olympics are a world wide event that are watched by millions of people. Not only are the olympics are televised and watched through a screen, but hundreds of thousands witness and attend the events, meaning great impacts on the city hosting them. With an explosion of spending, tourism, and marketing, the Olympics offer good effects on its host city and its economy. It is well-known that the Olympics are incredibly large, and bring people from all corners of the world together. Not only does this mean that preparations are intense and lengthy, also improving transportation and communication throughout the city. In the article Costs and Benefits of Hosting the Olympics, Tejvan Pettinger supports this by saying, “Major sporting events usually require upgrades to transport and communication links” (Pettinger 1). Thus meaning that hosting the olympics improves vital aspects in the city, overall improving the quality of it. After having a large visitor boom and recognition, upgrades like this promote long lasting effects on the tourism in that city. Not only does the olympics bring a huge population boost temporarily, the visitors are constantly spending money in the city, and in the games. John explains that , “With a public share of 96.5 percent of funding, the Sochi …show more content…

This is explained by Tim when he states, “The events were held in developed countries, either in Europe or the United States, and in the era before television broadcasting, hosts didn’t expect to make a profit. Instead, the games were publicly funded, with these advanced countries better positioned to bear the costs due to their larger economies and more advanced infrastructure” (Hyde 2). This makes sense, seeing as how sales wont happen if less people are aware of the event. If there was no way to broadcast an event, a huge loss of revenue and awareness would

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