The Pros And Cons Of Hosting The Olympics

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The Olympic Games attracts attention from a lot of people, who come and enjoy it. However, a global event like that can bring in drawbacks and disadvantages for the host countries. Developing countries should not host it as the Olympics can give them severe consequences such as revealing weaknesses and having cost overrun.


Hosting the Olympics is a bad idea for developing countries because it could expose the host country’s weaknesses. The Olympics is a global sporting event that has been watched by many people through broadcasting. In addition, a plethora of reporters and media companies were looking for information to produce articles about the Games. If there are protests or demonstrations before, during or after the Games, there …show more content…

However, countries wanted to host the Olympics because they were trying to increase their soft power, which is the power to influence other countries to follow its steps (Nye, 2004), and reputation. The protests could create a negative impact, which affect unfavorably on that country in many ways. In 2008, there were protests around the world, they started from Athens, Greece and ended in Seoul, Korea because of the human rights’ issues. (Staff, 2008) Additionally, protests also happened in Rio before the 2016 Olympics due to poor living conditions as Brazil suffered from a big recession. (Garcia, 2016) As a result, Brazil received many drawbacks and financial losses. Another issue that could also be exposed through the Games is pollution. According to Knowledge@Wharton, before the 2016 Rio Olympics, Rio’s sewage water flowed into a bay, therefore, that bay was considered to be polluted and not safe for people if they fall into it. Brazil should have cleaned the water but Brazil did not do that. (Is

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