Cosmetic Surgery Essay

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Practices designed to enhance appearance by making a physical change has a long and distinguished history. These practices date back to the time of the Pharaohs and are described in most primordial groups and essentially all of the higher cultures.[1] Tribesmen in Brazil wear disks and plugs as jewelry in perforated and progressively stretched lips and earlobes. Scarification of the skin as a method of beautification or a mark of distinction is popular amongst several African tribes. In ancient Athens, women bound their chests tightly to produce atrophy of the breasts because the small, firm breast was associated with poise and grace. [2] With the advent of technological civilization and culture, a widespread wish to improve appearance may relate to contemporary social customs. This strongly emphasizes the importance of common aesthetic norms that are strongly marketed and an increased accessibility of cosmetic surgery.[3]
The popularity of cosmetic surgery as a socially acceptable form of body modification has created a flourishing industry. [4] The exceptional increase in the number of elective cosmetic surgical procedures is well documented.[5] The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons estimates that the demand for cosmetic surgery rose by nearly 35% between 2004 and 2005. [6] [7] The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reported a 155% increase in the number of cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the United States between 1997 and 2010. [7] [8] In Asia, cosmetic surgery has become an accepted practice and countries such as China and India have become Asia’s most popular cosmetic surgery destination. [8] Several factors may underscore this increase in the demand for cosmetic surgery. Th...

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...osmetic surgery and yet show little or no interest in actually having cosmetic procedures. [20] Subsequent studies are needed to elucidate the likelihood of actually undergoing specific procedures and the perceived benefits, limitations, and factors associated with making surgery a realistic option. [15] [23] [24]
We believe our study is an accurate portrayal of the perception of cosmetic surgery amongst university students in Nigeria. Awareness is high and attitudes toward cosmetic surgery are positively related to age, level of study and marital status. However there was no statistically significant difference based on gender. We strongly support the availability of facilities for cosmetic surgery in Nigeria. This should include creating a fellowship program in cosmetic surgery as well as the provision of appropriate and adequate surgical facilities.

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