Corruption In The Food Industry Essay

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Rivera 1
Erin Rivera
Mr. Delle Bovi
Corruption in the Food Industry

Would you feed your loved ones food that contained the same ingredients that are used in harsh cleaning agents and even hair dyes? Many people don’t look at the ingredients or even wonder about where or how the food is produced. Occasionally, when people shop for food, they look at what is most affordable. This has become a widespread problem. People are very unaware of the harmful and deadly chemicals used to make some of the foods they are putting into their body. Not only is the food industry not directly saying what is in the food, but they also hide how the animals that are slaughtered are treated. There are many documentaries that show the harsh truth and savagery of the food industry. People should be educated on where and how their food is made.
Without the proper nutrition, our bodies do not function as well as they normally should. This is the first generation to have a shorter life expectancy than our parents. This is due to the fact that the food many people eat are loaded with fats, sugars and harsh chemicals. A poor diet is the number one cause of diseases in America. Unfortunatley, many big companies don't put any thought into how their foods are harming people, they are mainly concerned about profit. Today, the Commerical Farming Industry has come up with new techniques to make food grow faster and bigger for a cheaper price. Not only do they inject harsh chemicals into fruits and vegetables, but


... middle of paper ... only going to get worse if people arent educated on the corruption of the food industries. Socitey needs to be aware of what is in the food they are consuming. It needs to start at an early age so that unhealthy eating does not become a lifestyle and later on in life cause serious health problems.

Rivera 4
Work cited
"Antibiotic Use for Farm Animals." - MicrobeWiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.
"The Corrupt Food Industry." The Corrupt Food Industry. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.
"Food, Inc. Script - Dialogue Transcript." Food, Inc. Script. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.
"Treatment of Farm Animals." Treatment of Farm Animals. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.

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