Corruption In The Criminal Justice System

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If I could change anything about the criminal justice system it would be policing. Specifically I would like to take a stance against police corruption. Police corruption has been an issue for decades and comes in many forms. Police corruptions forms can be lack of integrity in the field of work, using leadership positions in a negative way, falling into negative habits due to work environments and a negative police subculture can all contribute to corruption in policing. When it comes to being a police officer the job can be overwhelming, nerve wracking, and high pressure and insanely stressful, however, it is important that an officer avoid compromising his or her integrity in the field of work. When hiring new officers the department …show more content…

In the policing profession the work environment needs excellence. A single incident such as mike brown’s case, Rodney king’s case and Kathryn Johnston’s case can send a shockwave across the nation and have a devastating effect. In such a time as now that police misconduct is so strongly intolerated, it is important that officers remain sharp, excellent and integral in their work, along with leaders providing their best effort to minimize stress in the work environment as well as provide positive support to the officers. In today’s policing the work is driven by numbers, numbers of arrest, numbers of weapons recovered, number of drug bust, and numbers of tickets given out, such quotas having to be met can lead to less integrity in the work place. The lack of integrity and high stress factors that are combined in the work environment can lead to corruption among police in their work. Work environments such as stated above can lead to officers and their leaders to be more susceptible to corruption, an example being the NYPD. A former NYPD employee admitted to to planting drugs on innocent bystandards in an attempt to meet monthly quotas. In an interview conducted by the Huffington post the former employee revealed that arrest were made during illegal “stop and frisk” searches, in which the officers planted small baggies of various drugs on the innocent people they stopped. In the same token the officer revealed that it was the departments heads otherwise known as the leaders were threatening street officers with termination of their jobs if they did not comply with these request. Bad leadership, lack of integrity, and stressful work environments have such negative impacts that in the eyes of the public trust is lost. When the people you swore to serve and protect don’t trust you, it can lead to a negative moral of

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