Corporate Social Responsibility has Risen to Prominence

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What is CSR and why has it risen to prominence in the past decade? There are now several concepts of CSR and its definition, along with the meaning across corporations. In my opinion, and according with our textbook in page 11. CSR is about a particular set of business and strategies that deal with social issues. In addition, we can clearly perceive that CSRs application along corporations has increase in the past decade due to the several local, and international regulations in order to enforce business to act responsible. 2. What are the six main characteristics of CSR? How do definitions of CSR vary around the core characteristics? The six main characteristics of CSR are: Voluntary Managing externalities Multiple stakeholders orientation Social economic alignment Practices and values Beyond philanthropy Each definitions of CSR does vary around the core characteristics based on their conceptual concentrations and particular focus, for example, under the Voluntary Characteristic, CSR see the overall voluntary activities beyond the law. The Externalities, study both, the positive ...

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