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This book Coraline is about a girl, the main character, who is obviously, Caroline. She recently moved to a large house and she lives on one flat with her mother and father. They share the house with 3 people, Mrs. Spink & Mrs. Forcible who live together, and Mr. Bobo who lives above them. Coraline finds a door that opens into what used to be another flat but is now covered by bricks completely, and has been since construction. She is very adventurous and while exploring, she saw a mouse go through the door which WAS covered by bricks later that night. She saw that the door was unlocked and the bricks were gone. She went through a tunnel and there was a complete replica of her house. Even her parents and neighbors, looked the exact same except.. they all had button eyes and called themselves the “Other Parents or Other Neighbors.” They were waiting for her when she got there, Coraline LOVED this new house. Her Other Parents gave her everything she didn’t have... well to lure her into staying will them. The Other Mother and Other Father wanted her to stay with them forever, but Coraline knew she had to go back home. Coraline left and went back home but her real parents were gone! She knows the evil Other Mother took them so she goes back and tries to find them. She finds them and brings them back home getting rid of the evil Other Mother and she saves 3 children’s souls too.
The book and movie are alike in many ways. For example, both the book and the movie had the following things identical or very similar: The plot/main event, most characters and their personalities, setting, problem, and resolution. The plot/main was very much similar and kept to almost exact detail. They had almost all of the same character, the most important...

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... even though the movie gave an actual visual, I liked the movie’s description better. I definitely didn’t like the movie part of her crawling through a tunnel to get to the Other House because it specifically said it was a hallway, well the book said that, and the book came out first. I also liked the book better because it kept Wybe out of the story completely, and I think he was unimportant and better kept out of the story. I also think that Coraline’s Other Father having a garden and being able to garden, extremely well, was somewhat a neat idea, but the Other Parents are supposed to be very much like her real parents and her real dad didn’t garden at all, therefore; at that point, the movie failed and the book kept on the right track. From an overall perspective, I loved the story and the ending of the book and movie! I’ll probably go and watch it again tonight!

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