Cooperative learning versus individualism

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Cooperative Learning versus Individualism
Cooperative Learning is a method of learning in groups to work on a project together, andthis learning not only will help student to work together with their friend but also will improve their skill in working together to solve a problem or to socialize with people. Cooperative Learning has many impacts and advantages. According Zoltan Dornyei There is other meaningabout cooperative learning on the statement below.
According to Zoltan Dornyei (1997 as cited in Willey-Blackwell (MLJ) P, 482)
“COOPERATIVE LEARNING (CL), THE Instructionaluse of small groups in order toachieve common learning goals via cooperation,has made an almost unprecedented impact in educationduring the last two decades.According toJohnson, and Smith (1995)CL is oneof the most thoroughly researched areas in educationalpsychology. As they assert,We know more about cooperative learning than weknow about lecturing, age grouping, departmentalization,starting reading at age six, or the 50-minuteperiod. We know more about cooperative learning than about almost any other aspect of education.”
The statement above means that they have been doing research about cooperative learning in educational psychology. According to them cooperative learning is a group with small amount of people that are working together to achieve learning goals.
According to Zoltan Dornyei (1997 as cited in Willey-Blackwell (MLJ) P, 482)
“The explanation for this interest in CL is verysimple: Investigations have almost invariably indicatedthat CL is a highly effective classroom intervention,superior to most tradi...

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... in the success of their self-directedlearning. As Voller (1997) and others havestressed, the role of the teacher in promotingautonomous learning becomes that of a guide,organizer, facilitator, and resource person,rather than a dispenser of knowledge.”
According to The paragraph Diane Malcom and William Fredreich above meansthe teachers is also one of many importantelements in individual learning, because the teacher must support their student in learning, and the teacher role is to teach their children independently, and the student will become more confidence about their ability than during they learn in groups.
The disadvantages in individual learning is the student may have a difficulty when he works in groups or when using cooperative learning, because the student usually work by him or herself. The student also became more competitive in group grading

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