Controversy On Drones

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Over the years, technology and electronics have evolved to suit the demands of consumers all over the world. Principles such as Moore’s law have been proven time and time again through the advancements of technology for both public and private consumers. Many new technologies have been introduced in the past decade that most people in the world could only dream about, drones being one of them. According to today’s standards, a drone is also known as an unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV (Rouse, p.1). Drones have attained many uses that continuously moves closer and closer to the middle-class society. However, drones have caused much controversy in the minds and motives of people in today’s technologically advancing society. People within homes …show more content…

Because of the large consumer curve towards the purchasing and use of drones, other delivery businesses such as amazon and eBay have been making a curve to such technologies also. Amazon plans on launching a project known as Amazon Air, that will allow for easier and quicker delivery of packages through the use of these unmanned aircrafts. Amazon’s plans for this project to succeed include the construction of certain facilities that manufacture and launch multiple drones at any given time, with packages weighing up to five pounds, which can, according to Amazon, deliver packages within thirty minutes or less. The drones are powered electronically via battery packs and wireless GPS control, which serves as a much cheaper and faster alternative to using trucks or airplanes in order to deliver mail and packages. Though drones have made a very large impact on technologically advancing society, it is not within consumer and business needs that the idea of drones was actually …show more content…

The main reason for the uprising of drones in the military was to prevent casualties of military personnel that would be in the battlefield during the war on terrorism. Using drones in order to spy on enemies has been proven to be much safer than sending in human spies, as their lives are put at risk when trekking into enemy territories. However, drones have also proven to be very costly for the government to buy and use, being that they can be shot down at any time by enemy or terrorist groups, and though much money is lost from manufacturing the drone, there will be no humans injured in the spy mission. Despite the many uses of drones in the military, studies have shown that the U.S. Government has spent nearly $2.9 Billion on drone research and development during the fiscal year 2016 (Smith, p.4). Because of the ever-increasing price of drone development for both businesses and the military, the price margins for market drones continue to increase in worth, limiting the availability of drones to the general

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